The Mall(Leo Valdez)

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Your POV

You were waiting for Leo to come out of Bunker 9. He accidentally, burned your clothes. He was reading a book and well, he got a little frustrated. And when you mean frustrated. He got so mad because of his Dyslexia. He, might have, burned most of your clothes.

"Leo! Hurry up!" You yelled.

"In a sec (Y/N)!" Leo shouted back.

You counted a second.

"Okay! Times up!" You yelled.

"What!" He said.

"It's been a second!" You replied.

"Not literally!" He sounded stressed.

"Too bad! Come on!"

"Fine...." He stepped out of Bunker 9.

You always wondered why Leo chose you instead of Calypso. Sure you were his girlfriend before he saved her, but she was prettier.

Except she was 2 sided. She asks all mean to people she doesn't like and a angel when she's with people she likes. Judgmental much.

While you were always nice to everyone. Unless, something bad happened. Then you go all....fighty.

She didn't like Nico. So she acted mean to him and made rumors. So you punched her in the gut. Nico was your best friend! You couldn't help it!

"Ready?" Leo asked. He grabbed your hand and intertwined his with yours.

"Yup!" You say. Popping your P's. (I always do that. Do you?)

"Then off we go!" Leo puts on his signature grin.

~At the Mall~

"(Y/N) I'm bored!" Leo complained.

You were getting some new shirts cause Leo burned your favorites. For some reason, the ones you didn't really care about didn't get burned.

That really sucked for you.

"Sorry repair boy" You kissed Leo's cheek.

Then, he smiled.

'Idiot' you thought.

Just then your thoughts were interrupted by... What the Hera? GIGGLING?!

You turn around to see teenage girls, surrounding your horrified boyfriend.

He mouthed the words. 'Help Me!' He looked like he wanted to set fire on there pretty (not) little (true) heads.

The reason Leo didn't flirt and looked horrified is A)You threatened Leo. B)They were smothered with Make up. C)To be honest they acted really weird.

One of them is trying to kiss Leo. But Leo just shoves her face out of his. He looked really disturbed.

Then that's when the fire alarm went off.

Your eyes got huge to see your, boy on fire. Literally ON fire.

Everybody screamed with you bugged eyed.

"Leo!" You hissed.

He looks at you sheepishly. "Uh.........Oops?"

You palmed smacked yourself that moment.

"Worst. Day. At. The. Mall. Ever." You gritted your teeth.

Leo looked at you. "Agreed"

Ever since then, you always bringed Piper shopping with you. And let's just say. Leo got banded from the mall.

Did you like it? Just asking!

I have nothing to say right now so...bye!

PS) I would love requests.

PSS) Keep reading.

PSSS) That's all.


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