Horrifying Visit

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Kaito kept glaring onto his sheets of paper before him, always Akako's words in his mind. This was worse than she had anticipated? He couldn't quite imagine it was this awful... and yet he realized, Pandora did own the power to curse this entire large metropole.

Endless suffering with awful diseases. Or was he just overstating? Pandora's effects had opened up to him only twice so far... he should definitely be happy about this and yet he needed more information.
The class was oddly silent, and Kaito sensed they all sat on needles. It was obvious why. Class prankster number one hadn't let a single prank loose.

"I will prepare a few copies. I'm going to be right back... Please, be quiet and work on your assignments," the teacher announced before leaving the classroom in a haste, heels clicking audibly on the tile floor. Kaito waited for it to subside before grinning to himself as he waited for it.
Screams filled the classroom, and Kaito burst out laughing, watching the chaos unfold with glee. An awful lot of mice were running through the classroom, multicoloured doves where flattering everywhere, spraying all students but Kaito in dye. It was a magnificent chaos, and Kaito found he missed just going mayhem like this.

As soon as it subsided, all eyes where on Kaito. A green Aoko reached for the mop she had kept for exactly such cases close by, and a hot pink Hakuba got up as well.
"Kuroba I demand a solution to this!"
Kaito let out a laugh as Aoko chased him through the classroom, merrily evading her death swings. Hakuba was angrily following Kaito around with his eyes, frowing to himself.
"Kuroba-kun, I know you keep something on yourself to neutralize this dye! I expect you to hand it over if you do not wish to pay for drycleaning!"
"Come and get it, Hakubastard!"
And Kaito stuck out his tongue in all his glory, before the halfbrit was now marching towards him, a stone cold pokerface slapped on. The magician was having his time of the year!

Gosh he missed this.

After a definitely brutal swing of Aoko's mop, he ducked away and jumped onto the teacher's desk with a large grin.
"Can't catch KID, can't catch me. A sucky detective and the daughter of a sucky keibu~ You fit just perfect together!"
Aoko screamed at him before lunging again, face purple by now. Hakuba was just calmly following the two of them, not wanting to get caught in Aoko's mop swinging but also cutting off possibly escape routes for Kaito.

A shadow stood by the door, watching the scene unfold with horror all over his face. It took a few seconds for some people to notice him since all of them were focused onto two mad classmates chasing their favorite prankster.
Hand gripping his gem through his shirt, Pandora stepped forward, eyebrows furrowing in utter anger. They were hurting him, they were harming his friend, he had to protect him.

Indigos grew wide in horror, Kaito barely avoided the mop in favor to duck before rushing towards the entrance where Pandora stood, ready to protect his roommate. Forest greens lasted on Aoko and Hakuba, and Kaito could feel the utter terror rising within him. He was going to curse Aoko, he was going to harm her! Akako stood up, palefaced, clearly recognizing the boy standing in the door. She could only watch at this moment, unable to do anything but stand helpless upon the coming doom.
"DON'T YOU DARE!" Kaito yelled for the first time in his life, storming at Pandora who only mistook that as a cry for help from his magician.

Lips parted, yet any noise was suffocated by Kaito tackling him onto the ground, covering his mouth with both hands, yelling the only thing he could think of right now in accented Latin.

Almost immediately, time seemed to stand still. Aoko and Hakuba stared at Kaito, stunned and confused by what had just happened, and the class didn't seem any better either. Kaito was panting, cold sweat ran down his temple as he glared into forest greens who stared back wide and scared.
"Don't..." he spoke now, in Latin, softer than before, "Don't. Don't. Silence. Don't."
"Bakaito get off of him!"
Aoko finally shook her internal surprise off and marched towards them, pushing Kaito off of him. She glared at the magician while holding out a hand to Pandora, an obvious gesture to help him up which Pandora surprisingly didn't take- instead, he glared at the brown haired girl.
"How could you, Kuroba-kun, this was so impolite," Hakuba drawled, approaching as well. Only in seconds Kaito was back on his feet, stepping in front of Pandora.

"Sorry. A guest of mine. Has the habit to curse a lot, didn't want that to happen."
He flashed a glare back at Pandora who stood now behind him, looking uncertain and still quite shocked over Kaito's behavior.
"We need to talk for a second. I'll be out for a minute... Oe, Hakuba."
The halfbrit perked up, only to be tossed a small flask containing a white liquid.
"Use this on your clothes."
With that, Kaito pushed Pandora out of the room and down the hall, frowing to himself. The boy was shooting worried glances at him, not quite sure what was actually going on.

"You can't just do that, " Kaito hissed, unhappy, "Why did you even follow me?! Last time that ended up awful as well!"
Pandora shrank under his harsh voice, tears dwelling up within his eyes. God beware he could let Kaito know he burnt himself on the stove, that was the reason he seeked him out.
"Kuroba-kun, wait!"

Kaito paused, nearly around the corner, only to see Akako jog up to them. Pandora was eying her distrustingly, quietly hiding behind Kaito.
"T-thank you. This... this is Pandora. It has to be. Right?"
A nod from Kaito was all the witch needed. She forced a smile and looked at the boy hiding, speaking up in surprisingly fluent Latin.
"Nice to meet you. My name is Koizumi Akako. I... think I know who you are."
The boy froze for a second, then stepped only further behind Kaito, clearly frightened. Akako looked up at Kaito who only stared back.
"You speak Latin?"
"Of course. Half of my mothers books about witchcraft are in Latin."
Turning back to Pandora, the witch spoke up again in effortless Latin.

"I'm not your enemy. But we need you to take back the curse you spread upon this world... You need to take it back, those are innocent lives."

Pandora's eyes grew wide.

It lasted only a second until he started to cry.

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