No Call- No Show

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Shinichi had mixed feelings when Kaito closed the door behind them. With him now about to head to school and Pandora being just fine on his own, Shinichi saw no reason why he should stay either.

On one hand he absolutely did not want to leave, Kaito was still a huge mystery and he loved digging into his entire life. There were still things unanswered, things he never got to know, and it threatened to slip through his hands.

What if Kaito was going to disappear soon?

Not long anymore and he was going to be done with school. Was he going to move away, or was he content in his house? was a big house for such a young adult, if he thought about it closely. But Kaito's parents were just as famous as his own, so he figured they just left him behind to enjoy his life in peace while they were hunted by journalists.

"You're far too gloomy for someone who's had his coffee."

Shinichi looked up to face the amused grin of his company. Caught in the act.
"Ah. I'm just thinking."
"About what?"
Kaito fell silent for a moment. Obviously he hadn't expected Shinichi to be so blunt with him.
"What, why are you thinking about me? I mean you usually do that a lot but now that I'm just Kaito, I should be a lot less exciting for you~"
Shinichi frowned, eying up Kaito from head to toe. Less exciting?

"Don't you sell yourself below your worth. That doesn't suit you, Kaito. Never has, never will."
"Strong words for someone like you."
"I'm not joking. Look-" Shinichi took a glympse at his watch, "-how about we have lunch together during your school break? I don't have any plans for today and, as you probably already guessed, I might need some entertainment."
Kaito only gave a smug smile, probably thinking about something to up his own ego even more. A nod was all Shinichi received, before the brown haired man marched down the street with a lazy wave of his hand.
"Yeah yeah. See you at 2pm."

Standing there for a second, the sleuth watched Kaito disappear around the next corner, only to breathe out a soft sigh. That was... anticlimatic.
His big personal meeting with the man behind KID was less exciting than he had hoped for but hey, KID or rather Kaito was content with him around.

Credo in te

One down, two down, more as I go

Blood everywhere, humans wrecking havoc

Credo in te

Kill for me, you bastards, you pathetic little creatures

Writhe in your own filth, in your own deepest desires

Credo in te

Block out the screams, enjoy the splatter of poison everywhere

As I walk, free of shackles

Credo in te

Pandora my dear, where are you?

"Where is he? He's the one inviting me out and then he's late..."
Kaito stared at his phone with a miffed expression. He was waiting for Shinichi outside of his school since he couldn't exactly go far away without being at risk of missing his next period.
"Did he get lost...?"

Standing there in the open, like a moron that got left behind by his girlfriend, Kaito stood pouting. He isn't serious is he? Shinichi is standing him up on a meetup that HE suggested?
Finally after almost half an hour, Kaito headed back into his school, now in a miserable mood and still hungry. He couldn't even get to eat anything! Shinichi owed him big time for that and he was sure to let the sleuth know how much he was going to pay for that.
"He probably got caught up in some case..." Kaito muttered to himself, gloomily sitting at his desk.

"Kuroba-kun, you seem distressed. How unusual. Can't find a new heist target?"
Hakuba's little jab from the sideline was so uncalled for. Kaito barely dignified his amused smirk with an eyeroll.
"Ignoring me doesn't suit you."
Kaito wanted to open his mouth to snap back but shut it with a click as the teacher walked in- for now, Hakuba got to enjoy a small deathglare.

At the same time, Hakuba was nervous, even tho he hid this very well. Kuroba was in a bad mood today... even tho he had been chipper as ever just before his lunch break. Had something happened?
He decided to pry further.
That included bothering Kaito once more- this time when school ended and he was about to head home with Aoko.
"Kuroba-kun, not so fast."

Kaito rolled his eyes and flashed a glance back at Hakuba.
"What do you want now? Can't you see I've had enough of your face today?"
"Charming. You're upset and I don't like it."
"Well learn to live with it."
Hakuba grabbed his arm from behind and the thief froze for a hot second. Did he really just call him by his first name? Well if that wasn't a surprise.
"Don't call me Kaito, Hakubastard. And get your hands off of me."
Kaito brushed him off with ease and took long striding steps towards the school exit, meeting up with Aoko who was already eagerly awaiting him. Hakuba furrowed his eyebrows. Kuroba being upset was a death sentence for everyone, and as much as he was used to his pranks, a Kuroba in a bad mood who was NOT playing pranks was a new case of bad.

"I'm worried," Kaito finally interrupted Aoko's blabbering, quietly kicking a stone away. The girl silenced, turning to her friend with a worried frown.
"Worried? Why? I didn't want to ask but you're not really in a good mood either since lunch."
"I got stood up by a friend."
"Wow. What an asshole."
"But-" Kaito raked a hand through his hair, biting his lip, "-he's not the one who would just noshow on someone. Especially me. And he hasn't called since then either. What if something happened? But I can't reach him, he doesn't pick up the phone."

Now it was Aoko's turn to become worried, anger gone in a breeze.
"Hmmm... Does he live far from here?"
"A good trainride. Far too late to go there today. And... I can't leave Pandora at home for too long either."
"Is he still living with you? Hah. That a long visit if you ask me."
"He likes it here. But it's a chore watching over him sometimes."
The two of them fell silent for a bit until Aoko piped up again.
"Come to my place, I'll ask Tou-san. He's a keibu after all, even if it's for Division 2. If something did happen maybe he heard about it. He should be home by now."

Kaito seemed fine with that idea and thus, quietly entered the small hallway to the Nakamori household after Aoko, politely taking off his shoes.
"Tou-san!!" Aoko called into the house, hanging up her jacket.
"Tou-san are you there?!"

There was no answer.

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