The Wonders of Modern Technology

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Watching his guest try and dress was something Kaito hadn't expected to turn out as amusing as it did. The boy wasn't quite comfortable in those boxers Kaito had more or less forced onto him, and the way he was trying to put on the shirt was honestly adorable.

"Doing your best, huh?"
Kaito smiled and in a moment of mercy, quietly helped him to push the shirt over his head, followed by the pants. With a satisfied look, the boy looked down at himself, obviously pleased about his chest piece being completely covered by the shirt.
"There you go... Are you hungry? Would you like some food? Food?"
Kaito made a gesture of chewing, followed by rubbing his stomach. The boy seemed to understand, as he gave him a small nod and wandered after him into the kitchen.

Observing his obvious struggle with chopsticks was just as hilarious but Kaito didn't judge him. Heck, he didn't even know how old this boy was, and he didn't exactly look japanese either. European, more likely. Nudging him to gain his attention, Kaito swiftly placed his fingers just in the right spot to hold the chopsticks, before demonstrating their use.
Staring at Kaito for a while, the boy slowly looked down onto his chopsticks, before slowly laying them down, lifting the bowl with his soup to his lips and gulping it slowly down. Slackjawed, Kaito bursted out giggling and continued to eat peacefully while watching his guest wolf down the soup he had prepared. That much about teaching him how to use chopsticks.

I wonder if there's some information about him online.

His eyes dropped towards his obscurred chest piece, sighing. He also wondered if he would ever let him investigate this accessory.

After washing the dishes, with a pair of curious and fascinated green eyes watching water flow into the sink, Kaito began to arrange a pillow and a blanket on the couch. He wasn't exactly going to let him sleep in his own room- while he obviously had seen him in his KID outfit, he wasn't about to spoil his identity and yet, Kaito didn't want him to accidentally stumble into his secret room with all those dangerous and oh so exciting gadgets to try out. Who knew what he could set off inside there.
"Can you even speak? Talk?"
Kaito flashed a glance at the boy, earning a soft flinch. Said one had obviously been in thought and wasn't exactly expecting to be addressed by Kaito. Confusion was all he could see in his face, and Kaito sighed. At this rate he could either assume his company was so nervous he couldn't talk, or he was mute.

Gesturing to the setup, Kaito pressed him at his shoulders gently into a sitting position on the couch.
"There you go... Stay... Stay. I need to bring my top hat and monocle away. You stay. Don't move. This is your bed. To sleep."
Kaito made a serious face while gesturing along to his words, hoping to get his point across. Backing slowly off, indigo eyes fixating greens, Kaito was relieved to see he wasn't moving away nor following him. With a sigh, Kaito picked up his KID clothes and marched up into his room, only to pass the secret door to his usual storeroom.

"I doubt Kaa-san has anything against it if he stays... I can't exactly let him wander out and about in the streets. He doesn't have a single clue about the language, he..."
Kaito paused inwardly. Why hadn't he tried that before? He did speak a few, after all. Maybe he could find some way of verbal communication? Perhaps he would open up a bit as well if he would find someone who speaks the same language.

The moment Kaito returned, he found his guest sitting slackjawed in front of the now running television, fascinated switching channels back and forth, a hand always trying to touch the people in commercials and shows. Snickering, Kaito moved behind him and watched along.
The boy looked back up into Kaito's eyes, then at his lips.
"Television. Can you say that? Television."
Mouthing his words quietly along, Kaito was still surprised to hear no sound coming from him. But at least he knew now what this magic box filled with people was called.
"Already so late... I need to go to bed..."

A yawn slipped from Kaito's mouth and he stretched himself, then blinked at his company.
"Bed? Sleep? Go to sleep?"
Not understanding, the boy cocked his head to the left. It did last a while, speaking slow and clear while gesticulating, but Kaito finally got his point across and he slipped under the blanket, surprised to find it very comfortable.

Satisfied about himself, Kaito threw him a last glance before disappearing into his own room. There was much to do tomorrow. Call Kaa-san for an update, and research on him. Could he even afford to leave him alone at his house while he was at school? And he would have to try and shoo Aoko away as well before she could follow after him into the house. Maybe Hakuba had a book about this? Kaito knew when Hakuba had one thing, it was a huge collecting of history books. And yet, there was also a fullblown jewel sitting in his chest, there was definitely something going on with that as well. So he should consult Akako?

Kaito shook his head, taking on his pajamas. There was no one he should tell other than Jii-chan and Kaa-san. For now, he had to research on his own. Maybe even his mother knew something? With those last thoughts, Kaito's eyes shut and he succumbed to his sleep.

The next morning, he came into the kitchen to an astonishing view. Cereal spread everywhere, peels of bananas lying around, and his newfound friend in middle of it all, inspecting the crumbs he had spread anywhere. He flinched upon seeing Kaito, eyes growing wide before looking down at the mess he made.

Oh god and that before school...

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