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I had left the marina and decided to go swimming. I went to part of a calm area where only locals went sailing. The ocean got deep so it was perfect for me to play with the dolphins; quite honestly, I wanted see what it was like to hold my breath for an hour long or more and actually talk to them. I won't be talking to myself but to animals now. Well that sounded super depressing.

I didn't know how this was going to go down so I just took a chance and dove into the water. Hopefully it wouldn't ruin my new shorts or anything but instead they merged into my tail.

At first nothing happened but then I remembered what happened when I first got my tail. I had to actually breathe the water so I did just that. I took a deep breath of salty sea water. All of a sudden an intense tingling sensation went through my legs and like I had said, my shorts and underwear merged into my tail but my tail looked like it did when I first got it.

Wildly colorful and my the end fin tail fanned out beautifully like the more I discovered about my mermaid ability the more extravagant my tail got. Then I heard a familiar noise. Dolphins. Hello. I attempted to say to them as they approached.

There she is! They said cheerfully as they saw me. Like they were searching for me. That felt a bit creepy though.

So you know of me? I said to them.

Of course we know of you. You are a special one. You are different. One of the dolphins said to me. She then went under my arm and nuzzled me. I ended up giggling and we as well as the other dolphins in the pod started to play with me. It sounds childish but there is really no other way to explain it.

I giggled and laughed for I don't know how long, then I sensed someone was near. I went up to air to see who it was. Apparently I could breath underwater but every now and then I needed to take a breath of new regular air.

I sensed something or someone was near so I slowly lifted my head above the water to hopefully not be noticed. It was a small sail boat; it wasn't big enough to live in but I could tell there was an interior. It felt like The Little Mermaid since. I was watching him on the boat while i was swimming in the ocean.

He was just looking over the beauty of the ocean.

The pod of dolphins left in there journey across Hawaii. Little did I know that they were the pod of dolphins that passed me the night my necklace glowed.

The guy in the boat turned and looked toward my direction; I ducted down quickly but that only proved his possible thought of something being there.

"Hello?" He asked. Now I definitely knew who it was now that I had seen his face. I recognized his brown hair that was actually quite handsome however it was definitely Dylan. Why did we keep meeting like this? Why did we keep meeting?

"Hello? Is somebody out there? Its okay I'm not going to hurt you." He continued. I wasn't dare going to show my face. There would be to many questions such as 'why are you in the ocean that deep? I thought you didn't like swimming?'

"Heeellllllooo," he again tried to convince whatever he thought was out in the ocean to reveal its face. All of a sudden something started to pull on me to bring me down. Panic washed over me.

I started kicking my tail furiously but that only scratched it. Whatever was trying to get me had serious nails. I started screaming not thinking of what form I was in. All of my kicking must of caused quite a commotion; Dylan had jumped into the water with just his orange and white swim trunks on.

He kicked away the things trying to get me. Just as the last one was kicked away it dug a deep cut trough my side and down half my tail. He then grabbed me like he was hugging me from behind and swam back to his boat. I was almost like The Little Mermaid except now the plot had a twist. He got me on his boat then climbed aboard himself, I still having my badly injured tail.

"Are you okay?" He said breathing heavily; I was to ,from the fight.

My tail was getting blood every where thanks to my deep cut down my side. I was on Dylan's boat with a bleeding mermaid tail. I finally came to this realization. "AHH!!!" I screamed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Its okay, shhhhh." He attempted to calm me down.

"But, bu-" I started to speak but my eyes started to feel heavy and groggy. I passed out of tiredness and my wounds. I apparently kicked harder than I thought I did. My cuts were apparently deeper than I thought they were too.

So I hope you all liked this chapter. I've been trying to edit some of my other chapters now that I realized I have some weird grammar errors. So plz vote and comment and possibly even share this if you liked of even at all. Thx.

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