~A Matter of Time~15~

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"Of course you will have a royal ceremony on you birthday." My grandpa added.

"And you'll both have to head back in at least in the morning so people don't suspicious on were you've been." My dad said looking both me and Dylan.

"I'm sure it will be the morning. It is getting late and monsters wander their way out at night." Dylan informed my family. "Even though we have encountered one or two on the way hear." He added looking at me, him knowing that I knew what he was talking about.

"You have?" My him asked. Surprise in her voice.

"Yes. We encountered the giant shark Megaladon. Either that or one of his offspring." I answered.

"Megaladon Junior." My dad attempted to loosen up.

"If Magaladon is out, that's not a good sign." My mother said on a serious voice to my dad and grandpa. And both of them stiffened up again.

"That's true. We need to figure out a plan. If he crosses over the bablance will be tipped over completely." My grandpa said. This situation had to be serious.

"Wait what? What balance? What plan? Plan for what? What's so important about Meagaladon?" I was confuzeled.

"Its something me and your grandfather need to discuss. Your more only knows about it." My dad answered.

"Why can't I know?"

"Because you are not ready. You need more experience. I hope you do not take this offensive." My dad sure was brutally honest.

"But I can try to help. Some how."

"I'm afraid it is better that you don't know. The more you know the more danger you'll be in. I know you want to help and I know you can but that will only put you in a worse situation. The only thing you can do is return to land. That's the safest area for you." My grandpa informed.

"So we just got here and your telling me I have to go back?"

"I'm afraid so. Plus you should return to school. Its the best solution for the current predicament." My mother reassured me in her loving voice. I had no choice but to go along with it.

"Dylan, would you care to take our daughter safely back to land?" My dad spoke.

"Of course." I just realized Dylan hadn't said much is entire time.

"See you later darling," my mom hugged me.

"Well see you soon, I promise that." My dad added.

"It was good to see you again Puakai." My grandpa said as I headed out the large palace doors followed by Dylan.

"Are you okay?" He asked me once we left the underwater castle and were invisible to others.
"I just felt like all of this was waste of time. I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"Wasting your time."

"Oh." Dylan didn't say much after that. Nor did I. I was more pissed than anything. That little voice returned. Lies. I didnt understand what it meant but i would realize it soon enough. Unfortunately.

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