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A cool soft breeze blew across my face as I started to wake up. The place of my legs ached and my head did as well. The night was setting and I still didn't know were I was. I groaned as I started to open my eyes and it appeared an umbrella was above me.

"Hey there sleepy head." A familiar voice said softly. I groaned instead of speaking words.

"W-where am I?" I moaned. My brain wasn't registering what had happened earlier.

"You're still on my boat." The deep voice said again softly. "You got hurt pretty badly."

My mind finally woke up. "Who was that? That attacked me." I spoke still a bit groggy.

"They're called Merillas. They set out to bring back any mer that has wondered on land and grown legs. Once a mer or offspring of a mer ,like you, get into the ocean especially, they will attack you to make you a mer again and keep you that way." Dylan explained still using a soft voice.

"Okay three things. You seem to know a lot about this. You're not bothered by my mermaid tail. And why do you keep talking so softly?"

"I keep talking softly because your head may hurt after breathing underwater for the first few times. And I know a lot about this because of my grandfather. I'm also not bothered by your tail, I'm honestly a little fascinated by it." He explained to me.

"Hello." My sister came up to the boat that was resting on the shore.

"Emily?" I was confused. I realized I don't know where I was until I was. We were on the beach of my and and my sister's house.

"Once you passed out I took care of your cuts and sailed over here. I sail past here a lot so I knew where it was. Your sister was home by then and I told her what happened." He explained knowing I didn't really know what was happening.

"And we put an umbrella over you so people wouldn't see as well. And Dylan here has been taking care of you making sure no one saw you and making sure you stay in mermaid form." She explained to me.

"Why do I have to stay in mermaid form? And how is he doing that?" I said then looking at Dylan. "How does he do that?" I tried to reword it to make sense.

"Your tail had injuries so the best way to for it to heal is for the tail to stay that way. And it will remain in tail form as long as its wet." He informed me.

Both my sister, Emily, and I looked at him confused. "How do you know so much?"

"My grandpa," he answered.

"Oh, well I'll be in the house if either of you need anything." Emily walked away as if she knew what he was talking about exactly but was still trying to figure something out.

"What about your grandpa?" I eventually spoke.

He sighed as if were about to tell a long story. "He studied marine life and stuff by diving. One day he saw something in the water, my grandmother."

"So your grandmother is a mermaid?" I clarified.


"Wait, wouldn't that mean that one of your parents is a . . Mer?"

"Yeah, my mom." He answered as if he were remembering a warm memory as a smile cracked his mouth.

"What about you? Do you have a . . tail?"

"I don't know. Ever since my mom disappeared before I turned thirteen."

"Oh, I didn't know."

"Its fine."

"If it makes you feel any better both of my parents disappeared when I was ten."

"Wait. You were ten?"

"Yeah, why?"

"My mom disappeared shortly after I turned eleven. Is that about the same time your parents disappeared?" It was like he was putting together the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

"You were born in November right?"


"And I was born in March. My parents disappeared in January."

"My mom disappeared in January. You think it could be connected?"

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