~Guardian Mirror~17~

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"W-who's there?" I asked wearily.

"Relax. I'm not going to hurt you or anything. I'm over here."


"In the mirror." I looked over to see a girl my age standing in the mirror. She had legs regular legs and beautiful long straigt brunette hair and large sea free an eyes accented with long dark eyelashes. Summed up she was truly pretty. She had on a red sweater and a black skater skirt with converse. Wait didn't I get that same or similar outfit?

"Oh, hello." I had a baffled and cofuzled face looking at the girl in the mirror.

"My name is Elana."

"Well hello Elana. Um, how are you in the mirror exactly?"

"I passed out in front of a mirror and ended up dying due to a heart problem."

"Oh." This was kinda awkward. But how was I talking to her? She was dead wasn't she? Why does she have the same outfit as I do?

"You don't realize it but I live in your mirror back at your other house. That's why I have this outfit the same as one you have. I saw it and thought it was cute so I made it so I could wear it. And when I died, not long after I was assigned someone to keep an eye on through mirror.s since I died near one. And we can talk to each other." Elana read my mind.

"Soooo do you just spy in me all the time?"

"No, I can hide back when you change clothes and things so I'm not invading your privacy or anything."

"Oh okay."

"That boy you were talking to, he's pretty cute you know."


"Yeah. To bad I can't have him. I guess I couldn't anyway cause he seems interested in you."


"Are you stupid? He came in your room in the middle of the night to make sure you were okay. Many guys actually sleep at night ya know." Well, she was a bit rude.

I was silent. Dylan had been my crush. I didn't realize how much my heart had been fluttering this entire time. And I felt a huge feeling of happiness that he probably like me back and actually cared about me too.

"And I'm guessing you like him too." Elana must've noticed my smiling.

"Maybe," my smile grew larger and I think I started to blush.

"Awwwwww. Someone's blushing."

"I know." My smiling continued.

"I wonder if he'll be a new co-ruler to this mer kingdom? I always knew mermaids existed. But no one will ever know now. See ya." She waved her hand and her image vanished. I guess it was her version of going to sleep.

I eventually passed out however I couldn't stop thinking about him being the new coruler. That meant I would be marrying him. Oh my jayzus. That thought didn't help my ability to sleep. Thanks Elana.

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