~Perfect Plan~19~

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Silence sat for a few moments until my mother finally spoke. "Puakai. Its okay. He's not a traitor. He's on our side. He's helping you."

"No, no its not."I spoke to her making a major realization. I turned back to Dylan. "When I jumped out of the boat if you really knee how dangerous it was then you wouldn't have let me go. And taking me with you meant you would find the capital. And were I would be. IT WAS A PERFECT PLAN WASNT IT?"

Dylan looked so shocked by my sudden yelling at him; everyone m sure could sense his angry and disappointed I was. "Puakai," He almost whispered my name and paused. "I-"

"Don't even think about lying to me," I started to swim out. "Goodbye mom, dad, and grandpa." I turned to Dylan again. "And you don't even think about following me."

"But-" he attempted to say.

"No. Family, get him out of here. He cannot be be trusted." I said just as I swam out of e palace and back home.

I cast yet another invisiblity spell. I swam as far and as fast as I could for as long as I could. Before I knew it I was near my sis- Emily s house. And there was Dylan's boat.

How was I going to get my human legs back without people seeing my mermaid tail. Then I saw Dylan's grandpa sleeping against the boat. I still had respect for him.

"Hello?" I approached.

"Oh, oh  hello my dear. You have returned finally." He searched around me. "Where's Dylan?"

"He- he not here. He's not dead but I swam far ahead." I didn't know what to say. And Uncle Rusty, that's what some people called him, dylan's grandpa, had known me since I was born and my family longer. That must've been why they trusted him so much.

"Oh. Well let me help you get out of the water," he put his for finger on my fore head and his thumb in my chin for a few seconds while I changed from mermaid me to actually-human-person me. "Will he be back soon?"

Hearing at was like putting a knife through my heart, he had to come back sooner or later and even though he was a traitor to me his grandfather was much like my family too. "I don't know." I walked out of the water soaking wet to the bone and an intense pain filled my lungs as I breathed air without the water with it. Like hundreds of millions of wasps stinging the inside of my lungs.

Uncle Rusty helped me walk to the house as I got used to walking on land instead of swimming in the ocean. "Oh! You're back!" Emily greeted me as we entered and the feeling of betrayal hit me all over again.

I stopped dead in my tracks as entered the door. I looked at her about to cry. All if what I thought I knew, I didn't. My sister wasn't really my sister. My crush, a person I ended up trusting, betrayed me.

"What's wrong," she asked lowering her arms from a hug she didn't give or get.

"You're not my sister," I answered simply yet it sounded like I was hurt.


"Actually what?"

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