Chapter Twenty Five

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Ziyanda's POV

After Miss Elizabeth left the room I quickly did my routine and went downstairs to the kitchen where I was supposed to me with her, so she can show me the ropes and everything.

"Ah, Miss" I say taping her on her shoulder startling her

"Oh dear you almost gave me a fright there"

"Sorry Miss didn't mean to, uh Mr Bennett said you were to show me the ropes"

"Oh yeah didn't forget, how about we get started with the cooking and the rest will follow how's that sound?"


I help her with the veggies while she does the rice and fish and chicken I can tell that Mr Bennett is a health freak what hassled was the food we making it was a lot maybe we were cooking for about 10 people or so. I was also having a hard time learning how to use the stove and prepare such dishes I mean I am Black, from the township I don't know white people like their food hence why Miss Elizabeth decided to prepare Dinner herself tonight   whilst I learn .

"Miss Elizabeth the so much food who are we making for I mean it's only Mr Bennett right?"

Miss Elizabeth smiles at me and shake her hood in amusement

"Oh no dear this food is for Me Bennett and his friends that's why we are making so much"

"Oh I see, one more question Miss if Mr Bennet had a nice beautiful like this one then why he spends much of his time in the hotel?"

"Mr Bennett sees this place as his kingdom, his palace he comes here now and then much when he is trying to get away from his life and everything"

The way she was talking about him you can tell the she knows so much about him and cares made me wonder how long has she been working for Me Bennett

"Miss, you talk as if you been here for a long time I mean just how long have you been working for Him?"

"Well kid I have known Alexander since he was a toddler, I was his nanny to his parents housekeeper now to his housekeeper, believe me when I say he wasn't always like this and I believe that little boy who likes to play dress ups with me is somewhere hidden deep inside underneath all the hardcoreness maybe that's why even today still I am still here"

I could see the hurt in her eyes and the love she has for him she really cares him as if he was her own son or something

"Where are they now? His parents I mean?"

Call me nosy but I can't help but want to know about him, why is he like this? What happened to him? I mean no one was born a monster circumstances change people into becoming monsters and evil devils and the fact that Miss Elizabeth has known Mr Bennett for years I see her as the closet source of information I could find now.

"They died long time ago Alexander was just 6 years old at that time and since then he became distant and changed into this person he is poor baby"

Explains his hardcore behaviour the poor guy misses his parents and feels like he is all alone in this world but still doesn't explain his evil heart could it be maybe his parents were killed and never found justice I don't know.

"I see"

"What I told you kid should stay between us and these kitchen walls no one should know okay"

"Of course Miss"

We go on preparing for dinner Miss Elizabeth shows me few other things I'll be doing here, which will be helping with the cooking , cleaning the top floor since the house a three storey house and also housekeeping in general and I must say I quite helping that I won't be doing a lot of stuff here quite more relaxing than working at the hotel also the pay is much exciting than the previous one I got an upgrade yay!.


Hi sorry for the long awaited updated I had some things I needed to take care off and my mom being sick in and out the hospital for the past six months things had been hectic

But I promise I will be updating and continuing with the story of Ziyanda till the end and I promise it is still going start get interesting so bare with me.

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