Chapter Fourteen

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Ziyanda's POV

I couldn't stay there any longer the minute my eyes connected with HIS eyes I don't what happened inside of my system I never felt so small and scared like that it was like everything crashed and collapsed on my shoulders like he was controlling me and he was everything about him scared the hell out of me, the thought of him, the mentioning of his name my heart hyperventilate like I had asthma and I don't.

HE controls my life now, I can't quit because I won't be able to get a job anywhere else soon due the fact the unemployment rate in S.A is ridiculous high and he will do anything in HIS power to make sure I don't get out of his sight unless he fires me himself then I'm good to go.

Which is a chance I'm not willing to risk I mean I need the money for myself and my little brother and also for my tuition fees. I hate the position HE has put me in like he has trapped me in his web I can't go anywhere or do anything about the assault he caused on me for he one his rich, no no not that he's wealthy, dangerous and untouchable he'll squash me like peanuts and no one would care or find out what happened.

I want to report him I do but that would mean digging my own grave and bury myself into and leave Zipho alone in the filthy cruel world by himself and fall into the wrong crowd too I don't want that for him, he deserves a better life and chance than anything else in this world. He is the only reason I chose to stay in that Hotel I mean I only have few months till I graduate and get a job at some school possibly move from this place get our own place start a new live away from here.

Suddenly I hear a knock from the door banging hard as if they were cops. I ignore it the first time but they keep knocking hard to a point I get annoyed then decide to go and open the damn door.

Lindsey. This chick what's wrong with her doesn't she know what time is it I'm ran it's 01:25 in the morning couldn't she just wait until the morning and drop him off or maybe "something came up" like she'd say.  I thought

"Okay, Ngiyeza hawu! Stop banging the door uzowubalala kanti yini ngawe" (I'm coming! Stop banging the door you'll end up breaking it what is it with you?!)

I open the door I felt like dying that moment there and there it's like the Gods are playing tricks on me I thought I must be dead or dreaming cause the figure standing on my doorstep is not who I'd want to ever step foot on my doorstep.

He looked so infuriated, pissed, drunk, dark,scary like he's ready to kill any minute now. I knew just then it was the death of me, this is it my little brother is going to be alone in this world now he will have to be strong and fight through the cruel world by himself and be the best version of himself that I know he is.

I quickly go to close the door but fail

"Uh-huh don't even think about it" He pressed the door hard on me I fall as he enters the house forcefully without my permission

"What are you doing here?" I ask not caring if he is going to kill me the next minute but I at least deserve to know why.

"Listen here bitch! You better not piss me off I'm not in the mood but if you must know I need a release and I was by the area so it made sense you make me cum I mean that's what you're good at right? Making guys cum?"

I don't know what to feel or how to feel he just called me a slut like I go around sleeping with every guy in the country when he was the one that molested me many times than I want to forget

"Oh, where's your boyfriend? Is he on the other room? It's fine we'll be quick or not I mean I take time to cum so if I were him I would stay inside for quite awhile till I'm gone then proceed". He takes out some cash from his wallet and puts it on the table.

This guy is unbelievable, not only did he call me a slut but now he is implying that I'm a prostitute, God tell me this is not happening now please.

"Or is it too little? I should've known okay how about this now?" He adds few hundreds on the stack there I don't even wanna know how much ge took out though it looks like huge more like a thousand or two I don't know.

"Please leave" That's all I say

"After I cum, I will"

"I don't want to have sex with you, I never want to have sex with you and I'm not a whore prostitute that you can just buy for a night, please leave" I plead with him hoping he'll leave

"Just give me a good head then I'm good" he says

"Please leave before I call cops" He chuckles at the mentioning of cops like somebody told him a lazy joke or something.

"You think that go stop me hoe, either you suck me or I fuck you either way I'm cum" He pressed himself to me roughly with my body against the wall I don't know how he got close to me or when he slapped me brought me against my bedroom's door 

"No please no, I don't want this, I don't to have anything with you, you raped me, you are a monster!"

"I'm a monster? I will show you a monster." It was like I awaken a beast, a monster that I never should've awaken that night it didn't matter that he was beyond drunk, he held so much power, roughness, like he wanted to break me and he did for hours and hours he didn't stop his assault, he broke my every part of my body. It was more painful than the first time, than all these times he wanted to break me show me a monster he was right I saw a monster that moment I knew that he had no soul at heart.

No matter how much I cried, begged him to stop, my bones cracking he didn't stop, I scream loud he would beat me up. They say one's home should be the place they feel safe in, but today I got raped in my own home I'm unsafe.

I want to die, please kill me please I can't take this assault anymore please just kill me, only thought and prayer I had on my mind


Ziyanda got raped in her house by Alexander again what does he want from her honestly?
Why can't he leave her alone?

Do you think Ziyanda did something wrong by calling himself monster?

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