Chapter Fifty -Four

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Ziyanda's POV

It's hard being back outside the world again, having space for myself and baby again being free. Free from Alexander nor Matteo just free from their abuse, control, wicked ways that I could never understand, free from all the slurs etc.

I should be happy, rejoice, but I can't there's still a part of me I might never find again, my baby boy I don't know how he looks like, where he's being kept hidden from me, is he even being fed right, who takes care of him? What's his name? All these questions on my mind play everyday.

On top of that I will have to carry on raise my baby as a single mother, and a widow it is just too much sometimes too much to handle I smile when people are around me but it never reach my eyes. I have to be strong for Amandla, for Zipho, most importantly for my son whom I hope one day I'll find I need to find him so I can be complete.

Ring ring ring

Bell rings interrupting my thoughts.

"Zee, I think you need to see this"

"What now, can't I be alone for second? Huh?" I ask irritated

"I'm afraid as Donna you can't, someone just touched our territory and killed our men down there not to mention that they're shipping kids and women using our equipment, so jah I'm afraid you need to attend this"

The mention of kid and women being shipped made me envious more nothing makes me more mad than people smuggling humans as to their own riches it pisses me off.

You may wonder why he called me Donna. Well since I was married to Matteo who was the Don of the Rizzoli  Furn and now with Alexander no more I had to take over his clan too hence I had given birth to his heir, I merged the businesses together as one and sold the other ones which I didn't see use of, give away the money to charities mostly GBV and Children's charities. Putting the dirty money into good use a bit.

"How did this happen Quinton, I thought you were supposed to oversee everything?" Not wanting to sound in too much rage.

"I did, I mean I had a team doi...."

"Don't fucken tell me about the team Quinton, it was your job to make sure everything goes clean, no funny business, nothing, Quinton! If you're incompetent just say so I'll find someone else who can do the job just fine!" In rage

"Now look the feds will be on my case for human trafficking and you and both know that's the last thing I would ever do, I told you I wanted I wasn't about that life I wanted a clean life and money now what? What happened to the equipment we were shipping?"

"The took the whole thing, using our boats as camouflage to smuggle people into the country as they know the boats will be expected so it will make the job easier for them to smuggle people in"

"Fix this I don't care how you do it, just take of it, let the authorities know what has happened, let the Klassens know too..."

"But you do know there's also drugs in one of those boats I can't let the authorities know about...."

"I don't fucken care about the drugs heck you'll let them know that we've been hijacked our ships by some gang and now they're using our boats to smuggle people and drugs in the country!"

"Then we are screwed as the equipment won't reach the clients and you do not want war with Klassens they don't play with what's due to them "

"I don't even know why I trusted you to handle this overseeing thing in the first place you're fucken useless to me right now" I pull my out from my pocket and make a call.

"Hello" the other person on the phone
I signal Quinton to get out, he bids out.

"It's Done " As soon as I see Quinton is not anywhere near sight I speak.

Since I took over as the reigning Donna  for the business I have been tackling every big criminal I know working with Bennett and Rizzoli down one by one the Klassens now my next target. I and been so successful that no one can see me coming, they all don't know who I really am, I had been really careful and calculating my steps carefully and sharply.

Of course I knew they were going to hijacked the shipment, I had someone tell them everything about the route, equipment, everything just to set them up, once they reach Costa Rica, they Klassens will be waiting for them and boom chakalakala boom everywhere everybody's down those who manage to survive will be in jail for the rest of their lives. That would mean the Element 7even will be all done and for all and the girl who they looked down on, raped, controlled took them out without them even seeing it coming.

I smile mischievously at the thought.

"I'll get the team ready, so now the Element 7even is no more after this?"

"Well technically I mean I am still Donna of the Rizzoli-Bennett Clan to kinda still active in a way"

"Hmmmm I see but the big guns are out and done for, good job kid didn't think you could do it but just as always you don't seaze to amaze me"

"What can I say they don't make them like me anymore " Laugh

Hope you guys like the chapter.

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