Chapter Two

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Ziyanda's POV

I run out of the faster than I could my legs are throbbing, the pain I can never be able to describe or explain. I feel dirty hopeless my innocence was stolen from by force by my boss a rich, powerful man.

And I can't do anything about it. It will be his power and influence against me and who am I to take him up for a fight. I know he meant it when he said he owns half of the police department around the world, I mean he has a bank balance that is fat for days.

What did I do to deserve this God?  A good child father, I help those who are in need where I can and I take a good care of my little brother Zipho but why did you allow that man rubbish me? Molest me? I was saving myself for my wedding night and perfect, handsome loving husband but I guess now you had to take that away from me like always.

I mental shout at God as usual when I'm mad or upset about something it helps me let go of the pain. Just not this pain it's hard to let go it's too much but I gotta be strong for my sake and Zipho's sake he needs me more than ever.

I don't even realize that the taxi has stopped at my stop

"Zee awu diliki namhlanje hhe? Or unama plans?( Zee aren't getting off here today? Or do you have plans?)". The taxi driver asks me. Now you ask how he knows my stop that's because I take the same taxi everyday from and to work so he's like my "Staff" taxi.

"Oh sorry yaz bengi cabanga ngiyabonga Mkhushulwa, ngizosala khona la. Hmm ksasa( you know I was just thinking thank you Mkhushulwa, I will get off here)". I say as I take off trying to hide my gaze from the driver

"Uright? Yini kwenzenjan wavevezela nje? Ngabe ukuhamba kahle konke ekhaya? Emsebenzini?( Are you okay? What's wrong, why you're shaking? Is Everything ok at home? Work?)." He asks curiously and holds my wrist

Great last thing I need right now is some damn taxi driver asking me about my well-being and problems I have had a rough long day I just to hold my brother and tuck in bed forget about this cursed day ever of my life

"No everything is fine Mkhushulwa once again unga khathazeki ngam sizobonana ksasa.( Don't worry about me see you tomorrow)." I say in much more convincing tone

"Ok if you say so ksasa ke. ( Tomorrow then) say hi to the little star ok?"


With that he drives off. Great I was dying from standing my legs were betraying me. I head to my old crappy four-room RDP house I get in I sigh

Sigh what do I cook now God I'm tired can Zipho just grow up now and learn to make his own supper and homework

Stupid his only 9 years old you fool.

I step in and I find the house a mess more like pigs and monkeys were playing in my house everything upside down in the kitchen from the buckets that we store maize and sugar on open and spilt on the floor oil all over the cupboard and stove.

What happened here did somebody break in or something?

I mentally thought soon to find my brother crashed on the old hole opened sofa by the TV with a bowl with pap and wors on. I smile lightly at the thought he tried to cook for himself seemingly it was already late it had hit 22:45 already and he was hungry and I wasn't there for him I failed my angel I failed him.

Look at you all grown up cooking for yourself now mommy and daddy  would've been proud of you Spoonchu Spoonchu  am very sorry for putting you up with the trouble i promise I will never be unfaithful to you again

I lift him from the cough and take him to his room and tuck him in .

"May you stay beautiful boy Spoonchu for your big sister promise me that you'll never leave me Spoonchu I can't imagine life without you after the bad things that had and been happening in my life you're my reason I get up the next day. I love you little brother love you so much". I kiss his forehead and I go bath

Not before I take the evidence of what Mr Bennett did to me to some place safe to use against him may I press charges on him. After I bath I decide to watch some TV trying to get some sleep wash over me without any luck my head pounding like crazy going bananas on me, my body aching like I've been lifting weights for days no quitting, my lady part so swollen and sore like it's on fire more there are some chillies growing down there.

I have to do something about this I can't just sit quiet and let him get away with this, robbing me off my innocence and pure . I have to do something not only for me but for all the women who are molested everyday in our country and turn mum no I refuse to be a silent victim of rape I owe it to myself and my stained pure.

God I have a stain on my pure I am no longer pure forgive me Lord I never meant to stain my pure now I am not worthy of you I have shamed you I have sinned Father I am no longer pure.

I cry out in pain and anger to God and myself , my ancestors my womanhood I am no y pure I have a stain on my pure.

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