Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ziyanda's POV

It's been three weeks since I last saw HIM and I could breath honestly, some days I want to run from her but that would e digging my own grave and bury myself in alive before HE notices I'm gone so I will save that thought for another life maybe. Some days I don't want to go to work because the whole environment gives me bad vibes which is not cool for me but I need the money and if I just quit my sister would be on my case asking questions why and she's good at probing the truth out of you so I can't do that either.

Speaking of Lindsey she's been on my ear every day asking who broke my virginity and wanting to meet the guy who did the honours hence the sarcasism I am starting to run out of excuses I swear this woman thinks she's my mother or something like wanting to know every little detail that goes on in my life.

Making my way to the top floor Jah you got that one right that's my floor now apparently mister stuck up ass decided to place me on the top level floors just so it can be easier to get to me and hurt me and why? I don't know I wish I did because I'm tired of being treated like a dog no a doormat rather whenever he wants to dust of his dirt he forces me and I hate that there's nothing I can do about it.

"Hello there chocolate goddess how you doing?" I am greeted by the blue sexy eyes I've grown to know as a flirt Quinton I mean if he wasn't cousins with HIM maybe I would've....

Mmmmm let ok at you now little miss innocent wanting to get it with his cousin now horny much?

Urgh for once think before you say something me horny who?

I shake at the stupid conversation in my head glad no one heard my thoughts they're pretty a complete different versions of myself.

"Quinton don't you have somewhere to be or people to be with and quit the flirtations not buying them"

"Oh come on you and I both know you prefer me oppose to my cousin pity he met you first had it been the other way you'll be singing my name like gospel and you know that" He smirks a bit

This guy man!

I laugh at his silliness I'm not going to lie I like Quinton and his stupid flirtations plus he's cute man he's actually a whole snack but he's just not for me the guy's too much for me I like guys who are more firm layed back and working a normal job

"A hoe will always be a hoe so they say now I believe, I don't pay you to hoe around but to clean the rooms of this place but I guess your pussy was throbbing too much you couldn't wait but to open your legs for anything that has a tail between its legs huh?!" Said it more like an statement than a question

I swear this guy doesn't want to see me even breathing he keeps calling me a whore when I have never really had sex with anyone technically I'm a sex virgin if it wasn't for him and his craze delusion psychopath thing between his legs raping me off my pureness

I storm from the hallway with a painful heart trying to hold my tears back from falling from my eyes to the suite.

"You like to piss me off huh?"

I proceed with acting like I'm cleaning the room even though I cleaned it few minutes ago trying to avoid his gaze at all cost. Suddenly I feel an ache on my right cheek

"When I speak to you, you answer bitch don't ruin my day I just arrived now tell me how was my cousin?"

Confused by the question didn't know if I should answer what answer though how was his cousin where?

"I'm confused sir what do you mean"

"How was Quinton in between your legs I'm sure he wrecked that pussy up huh probably not than me huh?"

He thinks I slept with his cousin this guy why would I do that? And if I did why does it bother him?

"I don't know what you're talking about sir I never slept with anyone sir I respect my work too much and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize my job nor open my legs to anyone like that sir"

"Hmm good because I don't share"

Don't share? Don't Share what do you mean you don't share ? First off I'm not your anything not your sister not friend or girlfriend certainly not your goddamn property

First thought that crossed my mind but I decided not to say anything back for my sake.


Sorry I took so long to update just couldn't find the right words to portray the story further and wanted to take a breather

I know the chapter is short but I just wanted to spin it a bit closer to actually the actual story.

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