Chapter Sixteen

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Alexander POV

I've been gone for a couple of weeks for some business overseas and my business trip wasn't very much pleasant that makes me made. I ended up killing few of my men for being so careless had the fucken Cops running, roaming around my territories which I do not like. I didn't just kill them for fun no some of them had been lying behind my back, stealing from me and others working as double agents for Marco and cops so I had to silence them forever and of course I have a reputation I need to live by no one messes with "Viper, Brock" that's the name that no gang or mafia dare mess with.

I'm brutal, hardcore, give no fuck about anyone nor anybody I do as I want and kill whoever is on my way call me whatever you want I don't care. I'm not only the most powerful Mafia boss you can meet but I'm also a legit businessman, have some influence in the politics, got connection everywhere you can think of so that's why it's hard to mess with me I can anyone within a blink of an eye because I can and want to.

When I got back from my business trip I was supposed to have a meeting with some political leader about the mall building deal which is currently taking forever to finalize, which was also starting to piss me off. I hate it when people do not deliver as promised and proposed I mean I was investigating way too much for his political run but still tell about procedures need to be followed not my problem all I want is to know when is the construction of the mall starting so I can make more money.

I had to see the face that I told myself I won't see probably ever again I mean she was black, ugly, hoe, slut and spying for Marco on me that infuriated me plus she was on a date with some black dude or maybe one of her clients for the night who knows you can never know with these black hoes they'll do anything for money and if it involves cash they jump. I wanted to get at her right there and then, I don't know why seeing her with some dude made me want to punch her, punish her send a message to her boss for trying to destroy me but she keeps saying she doesn't know Marco and have no ties with him but I know too well she is I'm going to keep hurting, breaking her until she tells me all she knows about Marco and myself.

Plus she feels so good down there, I never had sex with a black hoe before her but after having her pussy I can understand what they say about black hoes they feel so good. On top of that she was a virgin the first time I had my way with her which puzzled me for a minute why would Marco send a black fat ugly hoe to spy for him on me is it because he knew I wouldn't be attracted to her or he was bluffing. No I'm not going to fall for her innocent trap act she pulls off. I know what she's trying to do she thinks her crying, squirming acting innocent is going to make me fall for her stupid ugly fat black hoe ass I have got better things to do but I intend to make her suffer until she breaks and tell me what I need to know, I know she knows where I can get Marco she's the closest hook to get Marco and finally be fully respected.

You see I am the most fearless mafia boss you can meet but Marco is also not a fool and has killed many of my men, he knows things he shouldn't be knowing, his family is also so powerful in the underground like my family and I killed his father, his father killed mine so we are family. I maybe be dangerous but Marco is worse he shows no mercy about anything or anyone he killed my baby sister after rapping her and she was only just fourteen then but that still didn't stop him, to add cherry on top the fucker made me watch the whole thing he was so sick.

Since then I had made it my mission to hunt him down and kill him once and for all I tried to get him by finding out who is his family members which I found that they're untraceable, which was much rather difficult cause Marco wasn't just any mafia boss he was also smart and probably more dangerous then myself I had to act fast silence him quick or he'll silence me before I get to him. I never knew his men, nor where he stays yet he knew much on me why he hasn't come through I still don't know.

She knew and was my ticket to get to where Marco is.


So Alexander has someone that scares the heck out him, has a dark twisted past also.

Is he right though about Ziyanda being part of all Marco's plan?

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Love you.

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