Chapter Twenty

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Alexander POV

I actually don't like coming to these things but I had to come tonight because I was the one hosting the ball tonight, it'd be all these bunch of pussies and losers present talking about their businesses flourishing or facing challenges yada yada yada stuff I don't want to hear about, but I had to come I'm not only a Mafia King but I'm also a legit businessman I own a couple of hotels around the continent and globe and I'm also into civilization of the world preferably my country there was this guy I had to impress tonight discuss about the deal I wanted so bad to bag I whole 100billion Rand deal I had to bag that I mean I wouldn't be getting the amount of that because the money still needed to build a new city costing much too atleast I'd leave with billions of that of course I have to invest to gain but the money I am going to invest would bring me more than what I gave in.

I don't like black people but in order to make sure I'm at Ndlovu's radar I had to come up with a plan that's the only reason why I bought her in the first place. You see I have a reputation that wouldn't actually guarantee me bagging this deal and I wanted it, people talk out there, say things they know absolutely nothing about, all nonsense like how racist I am, how much of a dangerous man I am, not that it's a lie I am dangerous but racist no I am not my nanny the one who raised was black and had a lot black people as my employees just have certain difference with them I like their strength and willingness to get the job done mentality of their other than that I'm good.

"I see your brought one of your fetish girl with you tonight Bennett never seem to amaze me huh" He smiles

"Oh Jack, she's not my anything just someone I picked up few blocks away nothing more"

"You know Alexander I like you I do but sometimes I think what they say about you is true you know, which kinda troubles me sometimes as I knew your father quite very well and close I don't know why you didn't turn up like him as a human being but as a business man you're remarkable and impeccable why you like using women like some toys, you should be married by now, with kids you're not getting any younger man"

Did I mention Jack Ndlovu was also my father's business partner and friend sometimes he's kinda like a family friend he likes to stick his nose in everything he doesn't need to that pisses me off if he wasn't so well involved with this deal I would've have shot him in the head right here and then.

"Marriage please uncle Jack that's still far from me and for children will have once I'm settled down, right now I just wanna enjoy my me time, I don't want any annoying body having to detect my every move no offence"

"A wife is not someone who's the to detect you but to guide you and support you man"

"Yeah whatever Jack, so tell me what's happening with the North Coast deal? Did you manage to get something promising with the big boys up there?"

"You see this attitude and disrespect of yours is going to make you not get this deal trust me, it's one of the reasons why they don't trust you getting involved in this prospectus civilization man calm down I bit"

"Don't tell me to calm down I have invested a lot of money in this deal probably more than anybody I need to know what's happening what's holding it back man fuck! Fucking useless old prick you are man" I suddenly choke him, not too hard but as a warning he has been ticking me off for the longest time and for him not pulling through makes me mad so bad I want to shoot him in the head but I wouldn't waste my money like that not would I risk being chased around by other monkeys for killing a respected businessman and politician that would look good for my image.

"You seem to forget who you're dealing with Jack huh? Not only am I the most feared man you can ever cross but I can end you like you never existed" I tell him, no promise him

"Easy Alexander easy man I'll pull through just need you to be a little bit more patient, can I go now?" I loosen my grin and laugh at him a bit patting him on his chest as he fixes himself up

"Relax man it's a joke man, I wouldn't do anything to harm I mean why would I want to harm my father's best friend and partner and a family at that" I can see him getting cold feet like he caught me drift so on, everybody knows if I want to get to you I can use even your family.

I let him go, then I excuse myself to the bathroom. While I'm pissing I see some other dark skin guy in the loo too

"Great party huh?" Great just what I need right now one of these monkeys to ruin my mood what does he want now.

"Beyond expectations Lwandle, I don't recall ever sending an RSVP did I? Must've slipped my mind or something I don't know" I say with much anger boiling inside me I'm ready to shoot this fucker in the head one shot dead but knowing him he probably has back up or has the whole thing recorded so I decide to play it cool.

"You and I both know I don't need one I can invite myself in, you on the other hand I didn't take you for parties and meetings as such, so tell me what is it that you are planning now? A new shipment? New heist, no a new city building deal right? Is that what you're planning with Jack Ndlovu? Hmmmmmm?"

I just ignore him and continue with what I came here to do the first place

"Your days as a free man Bennett are getting slimmer and slimmer day by day it's only a matter of time till I finally get the big shark out of the sea a whole meal for my career at that. I'm watching you" He pays my shoulder as he exits the bathroom

"He didn't even wash his hands this fucking monkey" Disgusted

"He's starting to cause more trouble than I anticipate, I wonder what Diamond told him because he looks much rather too confident this time around"

I punch the wall hard I can hear my bones cracking

After I finish my business I go back to the party not after getting myself a whole bottle of whiskey by the bar and dang it like that I can feel getting a little drunk and when I'm drunk I wanna cum always

"Now where's this ugly black fat hoe now" I wander my eyes the room I see her laughing with Quinton in her arms time to get myself a little dance also I went over to them

"Mind if I cut in cousin"

"Jah sure man"

Quinton let's go and leaves the dance floor to me and the hoe

"Why you look rather much disappointed to have a dance with me why?"

She doesn't anything I can tell she wants to but decides not to good girl sure does learns fast I like it.

"I should've known leaving you for a minute you'd jump your chances to whore around with my cousin, such a typical black hoe you are" I hit the nerve I can see the furiousness boiling inside her like she wants to punch in the face for saying that which I know she won't she knows what would happen if she dares.

Fuck! But I'm so horny I can't keep doing the stupid dance anymore I wanna get out of here so I can cum and release all the anger I have boiling inside me and she's going to be release toy for the night like it or not I don't care that's what she's is at the end the day a fuck release black ugly fat hoe!


Alexander is completely asshole isn't he, so fucking racist and cruel he gives no fucks about anyone else but himself.

Why does he keep on hurting Ziyanda?
Do you think Lwandle is finally going to catch the big shark out of the sea?

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