ch 1- The start of it all.

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                 January 11th, 1987

"She is beautiful." I spoke looking down at my new child.

"yes she very much is miss. But I do have to take your baby now for a bottle." The nurse stared at me shaking knowing what I am. And how much I am enjoying this.

"oh yes! of course." I handed her my new baby girl Amaya. Beautiful dark black hair that she was born with. And deep blue eyes. Just like her mother. I watched as the nurse walked off with my child. She is perfect. Perfect for exactly what I need her for.

That's when my newly husband walked in.

"I saw her when the nurse was walking out. She is pretty perfect my love. I cant wait to have some fun with her." He smiled to me. An evil smile that any sane person can recognize.

"Not yet my darling wait till she is at least one." I told him as he leaned down for a kiss. Giving a little laugh against his lips.

"fine. fine." He told me against mine.
                          * 3 hours later*

"Here comes mama!" The nurse whispers as she brings my new child towards me and my new husband.

I laughed then said, "hi my little gaur- girl." As I almost slip up saying something I know I will regret later. My sorrow for my old life can't get in the way.

The nurse leaves and when she leaves I touch my little girls hand my husband watching us two I see it. Her eyes start to light up a dark green as I feel a sudden wind towards my face. She has powers. Perfect. Exactly what I need for somebody to take my place when I cant rule anymore.

"What the hel was that" Sheldon says next to me.

"that my darling. Was her powers." I smile feeling power surge through my veins.
*5 years later January 11th Amaya's POV*

"YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT" He yelled at me again as he kicked my stomach over and over again. This was my normal. He did this a lot. But he is my daddy and I need to respect him. That's what mommy tells me. I got knocked out of my train of thought when he threw a punch at my small face were you can now see my thin cheekbones. He pulled my long black hair and dragged me into my room by my hair. And when i say my room I mean a small closet. I may be young. But I'm not dumb I know my life isn't the normal. But to me it is.

When he throws me on my bed I lose control. Again. This happens a lot whenever I feel an overwhelming emotion i cant control. And with a gust of wind from the opened window to my left i throw him out of my closet. The wind was so strong it closed my door with him.

What it didn't do though was lock my door. He threw open my door and slapped me across the face.

"WHAT DID WE SAY ABOUT YOUR POWERS. do not." He grabbed my face. "Use them." He brought me closer to his un shaved face. "against me." And with that he threw me down hitting my head on the wall behind my bed knocking me out.


"wake up."

I can recognize that voice anywhere. I slowly opened my eyes still feeling my throbbing head from earlier. "I'm up mommy I'm up."

"good. We are going on a little trip for your birthday." Slamming my door behind her without another word.

"o-ok mommy." I slowly got up still feeling the pain all over my small body. We never went anywhere for my other birthdays that I can remember so why does things change now.

I walked out of my closet and walk into our small kitchen. We lived in a very small trailer home. Mommy said it was nothing compared to her home when she was little. She said she lived in a castle!

"Say goodbye to daddy. You wont be seeing him for awhile." My mommy stared at me with a straight face not showing any sort of emotions.

"w-what d-do you m-mean mommy?" I have a stuttering problem when it comes to me being anxious. And I hate it.

"Well mommy has to go on a little trip and she doesn't want you with daddy while I'm away for.. personal reasons. So your gonna go somewhere far from Boston called Russia. Now hug daddy please." She bends down to my height explaining to me.

"oh o-ok mommy." After I said that I slowly walked towards Sheldon and hugged him. I felt him wrap his arms around me and smelling in smoke and this other smell that smells like the drinks he drink. I felt a smirk play on his lips as I pulled away. I was so scared of him.

"bye bye princess." His dark voice whispered against my ear.

"b-bye d-daddy." As I said that mommy grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me out to the car. We got into the car and mommy started to drive. After a few hours we arrived to this place that mommy called the airport. We got onto this airplane and 12 hours later we were in Russia. We got into another car and as soon before I know it we were wherever mommy was taking me.

"Now darling you wont see me for awhile. This place will help you. Trust me." Mommy says as she takes me out of the car for me to see this school.

"W-with my p-powers?"

"yes baby with your powers and other things to." After she said that we walked into this school into what I believe was an office for what mommy called her the "head master".

"Aaa, ты её привезла!"
(Aaa you brought her!)

"Yes I did. But can we please speak in English. Its easier for me."

"yea sure. She does look quite like her father." The lady looked towards me smirking.

"Who she has no idea about so shut up." My mother said that as me and her sat down by the headmasters desk that read miss. Volkov

"I see. Maybe that is for the better." She paused then looked towards me. "So Amaya correct?"

"um y-yes." The lady was very scary and intimidating so I tried my best to not look scared but I was failing miserably.

"Don't stutter darling its rude." She snapped towards me making me jump slightly.

I nodded my head then said, "Sorry miss."

"Better. Now I got most information on you already from your mother." When she said mother she nodded towards my mommy. " So I think its time to say goodbye to your mommy and get started with your evaluation." Before she said evaluation i noticed a sudden excitement in her eyes. That scared me so much.

"Yes! I believe it is as well." As my mommy said that she bend down on one knee leaned in towards me grabbing my face softly then said

"Have fun in the red room darling."

!!Authors note!!- Thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed please vote and comment your thoughts! love you all💕

ELEMENTAL- book 1// S. ROGERSWhere stories live. Discover now