Ch 2- The red room

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     January 12th, 1992

Miss.volkov brought me into a room with a small tv and a chair with straps on it and a table next to the chair with... needles?

"Just calm darling I know your young and scared but trust me your okay." As she was saying this she led to me to the chair. I sat down and she strapped my arms and legs. Another lady walked in with a mask, scrubs and gloves on. Something was wrong. This feeling erupted into my chest knowing that something was wrong. It hurt and made me want to hurl everywhere.

"this is miss. Popov, She is going to make sure your healthy." she smiled softly at me but I could tell, she was not a nice lady. And oh how I was right.

"Your going to watch a video about this place and what it is all about. yes?" She kneeled down to my level waiting for me to respond.

"yes" was all I could muster up from my mouth.

"good" She got up as she pressed a button on the monitor.

The video started to play and as the video was playing miss. Popov put this blue band around my arm and started to inject me with this needle that had this stuff in it. I felt a little pinch, but I was used to pain by now.

"The red room is a place for little girls who are in need of training. Especially little girls who don't act right. We will teach you how to dance, speak different languages, math, science and other things that you must not worry about now. The medicine you are being injected with will calm you down so you are perfectly out of control." The video started to get blurry as I all of a sudden felt tired. Then everything went black.

I felt somebody shaking me.

"Hey! Hey! wake up! There about to come in soon and you need to gets dressed." I heard somebody say in a thick Russian accent.

"I'm up I'm up." I groaned. Then I realized. I'm in that school. I woke up on the bottom of a bunk bed in a ferly small room.

"Who are you?" I asked the red haired girl. She had icy blue ends but it seemed she dyed them a long time ago as they were fading.

"No time for chit chat..." She leaned over looking at my bunk bed that I just now realized had my name on it. "Amaya. I'm gonna call you Maya that's too long. Anyways quickly get dressed in your uniform ballet starts soon!"

I quickly got dressed when I then heard a knock at the door.

"Quick! sit on the bed shoulders down chin up DONT SPEAK!" The girl whispered yelled.

I did as I was told and the door swung open to me seeing miss. Volkov. "Morning girls. Natasha I see you have helped Amaya with her belongings." She spoke so proper with her Russian accent spotting through.

"Yes headmaster." Natasha spoke looking at the teacher with no emotion on her face what so ever.

Miss. Volkov walked over to me lifted up her stick she had in her hand and whipped me in the face. I felt a burning on my right cheek and slowly went to touch my cheek.

"Your bun is horrible your tights are ripped on your left thigh and you forgot makeup. LEARN! Romanoff help her PLEASE tomorrow!" The teacher whipped her head back towards the red head away from me.

"Yes headmaster." Natasha looked at me sympathetically.

Then headmaster left. "I'm so sorry." She immediately spoke coming over by me making sure I was okay.

"Its okay n-Natasha?" I questioned  making sure I got her name right.

"Yea my name is Natasha, Natasha Romanoff. I'm eight years old how old are you?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

ELEMENTAL- book 1// S. ROGERSWhere stories live. Discover now