Ch 6- S.H.I.E.L.D

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January 12th, 2001

"I'm sorry who?" I stared at the man in confusion.

"Supreme Headquarters international Espionage Law-Enforcement Division. We think we can help you Amaya."

"Well that's a mouthful." I mutter then adding on,"With what? I seem to be perfectly fine." He started to lightly laugh.

"Amaya. Your fourteen years old driving a car that has no gas now and you just burned down.. what was it again? A diner?"

"H-How do you know about that... I mean how do you know it was me?"

"Maya if I'm aloud to call you that... the description was a girl with waist length black hair, deep blue eyes that turned a dark green, with a small figure you can see her cheekbones." He read off of his note pad.

"Oh. Um." I was lost for words. What do I even say to that?

"We can help you Maya. With your powers. We had track on you when you were five when we got reports about a four year old who can start fire with her mind. We recognized you when we saw the fire on the news in Russia about a girl who can supposedly start fire with her mind that had the same description that little five year old girl had. Were good people Amaya. Trust us."

"That last people who told me to trust them were the bad people."

"Were not the bad people." I have no idea why but the glint in his eyes made me want to believe him. So much.

"Ok. Ok fine." I got out of the car and stood infront of the man, "Wait. What's your name?"

"Phil Coulson. And these are my... helpers, Quincy and Zed." I raised a wave towards them and did a small smirk. They smiled brightly back.

"Come on let us get you in the car and I will explain everything in there. Yea?" He gave me a welcoming and kind smile that I kindly returned back and nodded. Quincy opened the door for me as I walked into the all black car. It was a small car but very nice on the inside. All leather very clean and expensive. Zed sat in the front with Phil and Quincy sat with me in the back on the left side while I sat in the middle. Phil then started driving.

"So the plan is to first take a DNA test to see if you have any o-" Before he could finish his sentence I interrupted him.

"If your trying to look for my parents I trust you they don't want me. My mother was a dead beat and my father left us. At least that's what my mom told me but then again she was high off her rockers."

"Maya what I was going to say was to see if you have any other relatives."

"Oh. Sorry." I said looking down

"Its okay. Lets just get to the airport." So we did, the whole car ride was silent as well as the plane ride and the other car ride getting to S.H.I.E.L.D. Until we got there Phil parking in a huge parking lot infront of a huger shiny building.

"Were here."

"I see that." I say getting out of the car staring in shock infront of the large building.

"Ready kid?" Knocking me out of my train of thought.

"Oh uh yea lets go." We walked into the huge building. Quincy and Zed separated from us as Phil led me to this room with a butch of windows and a lot of science equipment.

"Stay here please Maya I am going to go get somebody who is gonna ask you some questions then start the DNA test ok?"

"Ok" And with that he left the room. A few moments later a young women walked in.

"Hi! Amaya right?" She smiled brightly towards me.

"Yes." I smiled back. She was very pretty with black hair and a darker skin tone. She looked very sweet

"My name is Dr. Rory its a pleasure. I am going to ask you a few questions if you feel uncomfortable to answer any of them please tell me and you don't need to answer. okay?"

"Okay" She sat down on a chair infront of me and got her clip board and pen ready to write down anything important.

"So do you know were your mother took you when you were five?"

"Some place called the red room I believe. It was like a school. But only for fighting, dance and to help me control my... Abilities."

"Okay." She wrote something down then continued, "Were you always in the red room? If not where did you go?"

"I wasn't there forever. I think when I was around the age eleven the headmaster there basically sold me off to somewhere else. I have no idea what the place is called but I do know everybody wore these jackets with this symbol on it."

"What did the symbol look like."

"I was getting to that. It was an octopus with a skull." The ladies eyes widened and scrunched her eyebrows in confusion then wrote something down then looked back up at me.

"Something more simple I hope. What are all of your abilities?"

"I can control all four elements, read minds, turn invisible, I also have enhanced strength, sight, hearing and um I heal pretty quickly."

"Interesting. That's incredible." She said in pure curiosity

"I can show you a little something if you want." She nodded her head in anticipation. I grabbed the glass of water on the table next to me. Held out my hand and focused. Within seconds my eyes turned a dark green and a dark green mist flew from my hands softly controlling the water. The water lifted from the water in the cup and went in circles around Dr. Rae. She looked around her self smiling widely. I softly put the water back in the glass and put the cup down looking up and smiling at the amazed Dr.

"That was... Wow I have never seen anything like it."

"Um heh yea." I softly chuckled

"Ok sorry we got side tracked um last question. Do you have any medical disorders anything mental?"

"Not physically. Mentally I have anxiety." She nodded wrote down something then got up putting her clipboard down and picking up a small vile.

"Please spit." She put the vile towards my mouth and I spit in there putting my face in a disgust look, "The results will be back in a few moments I will be right back love." And with that she walked out of the room to only come back 2 minutes later.

She clicked a button on the computer screen then I saw her eyes widen.

"Is everything okay?" I ask her

"Uh um I uh will be right back." She clicked the screen out then ran out of the room with a paper in hand.

A guy with an eyepatch walked in as the lady clicked back on the screen to show him whatever she saw. The man stared with a blank face then looked towards me, then the screen. He started walking towards me kneeled down to get to my level then spoke.

"Do you know who Tony Stark is?"

!!AUTHORS NOTE!!- I am so excited to write the next chapter. I might not post again until Friday because I'm busy all week but who is excited for black widow to come out on Friday as well? I will try to post before Friday but it might not happen just a fare warning! Thank you for reading please vote and comment! Love you all!💕

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