Ch 3- An octopus... With a skull?

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               1998 (UNKNOWN DATE)

                  *3 years later*

"May come on look at me I'm sorry"

"Red. I should have won."

"I won fair and square Maya. Just admit it your horrible at UNO."

"I hate you."

"you loooove me."

"whatever" Me and Nat's little squabble was cut short when there was a bang at the door. And then within seconds it was swung open to reveal miss. Volkov and three other men behind her.

"Amaya your leaving, Pack your things these three men will be taking you, when your done come outside." Her thick Russian accent surrounding the whole room.

"What?" I wondered in worry not understanding at all what was happening.

"You heard me." And with that she slammed our door closed no other word spoken.

"What just happened." Natasha spoke towards me coming closer towards me as the two girls were now standing.

"I don't know Natasha." I felt emotionless as I just stared at the floor.

"Your leaving?" Nat asked as tears swelled in her eyes not wanting me to go.

"I didn't think I was. Maybe my mother is back?" I hope that I could leave this sickening place and take Nat with me.

"I don't think so May." Nat shook her head.

"Shit this is bad Nat." I cursed under my breath grabbing my hair pulling at it in frustration.

"I know May but you need to pack your stuff before they come in because those men don't look nice." Natasha was terrified for me and I could tell by how her eyes threatened of water pooling.

"You think?!" I whispered yelled towards her, "I'm sorry I'm just scared."

"Its okay." Nat spoke timidly.

I started packing my stuff in silence with tears in my eyes. This place. The red room. It may be horrible and they may starved us and forced us to do horrible things, but I made a home here. Natasha. This room. Everything about this place. I was semi actually okay. Why does this change now? I looked towards Nat, "Je t'aime rouge."

"Je t'aime peut-etre"

"I-im so sorry for leaving you" I stutter my voice shaky and tears brimming my eyes. I look up towards Natasha and she is in tears. Then the door gets swung open and there the three men walking towards me grabbing both sides of my arms. Natasha is screaming, " STOP STOP! YOUR HURTING HER STOP!"

I started hitting them with my legs then noticed by Red and the three men my eyes started to turn a dark green. I felt it. This surge of energy through my small eleven year old body. The man on my left started screaming noticing his arm caught on fire. The other man started screaming too noticing I burned his arm aswell. But the third man grabbed this device before I could get to him and wrapped it around my neck. I felt the power leave my body. All of my heightened senses started to go away and I immediately felt sick. I collapsed to the floor breathing heavy the two men that were burned all of a sudden felt better the fire on the first guys arm went away. The 3 men grabbed me and Natasha just watched in shock.

"STOP PLEASE SHES MY SISTER I CANT LOOSE HER." Red was sobbing and I heard her screams of telling them to stop as the 3 men dragged me out of the school, throwing me into a black vehicle.

ELEMENTAL- book 1// S. ROGERSWhere stories live. Discover now