Ch 4- fight.

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                 RUSSIA, UNKNOWN BASE
                      1998, UKNOWN DATE

I always thought I would never have control over my powers. I never thought somebody would ever be willing to help me control them either. Well at least not out of the kindness of there hearts.

"Hello soldier. This is your partner. Fight."

"What? He is ten times my size!" I was terrified. This man can crush my esophagus in two seconds with his metal arm.  He slowly walked towards me and as I predicted grabbed my neck. He lifted my small eleven year old body off the ground and pushed my back against the cold cement wall hitting my head. I felt the blood on the back of my head. I felt the dizziness overcome me and my vision got blurry. All of a sudden I felt a surge of energy through my veins and I felt back to normal and I feel the wound on the back of my head heal.

My eyes turn a dark green that I can see the reflection glowing on the metal arm mans face cover. I grabbed his wrist and burning his hand as he started groaning in pain and let go of my neck. A gust of wind blew him against the wall and I slowly walked towards him, I see veins wrap around his arms pulling him even farther towards the wall. Then I felt the same device wrap around my neck again. The veins withered around the soldiers arms as he fell to the ground. I collapsed to the ground feeling my powers drown away and my eyes go back to its blue color.

"How the hell did you do that" The guard who put the device around my neck grabbed my small face harshly.

"I-I d-don't know. "

"What are you."

"I don't know that either."

He pulled me up from the ground and looked at the soldier still on the ground staring wide eyes at the veins now dead on the ground then  he looked at the other guard by the door and motioned for him to get the soldier. He looked towards me and then walked me out of the cement room to a room that was dark with a small bed and desk with a chair and a small lamp and one window covered in bars. I can tell it was dark out already. He threw me in the cell, said nothing and walked out locking the door behind him.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I sobbed my heart out. Am I the villan? I don't want to cause harm but if that guard hadn't stopped me I'm sure I would have killed that man.  There has got to be a reason all this has happened. God I really hope there is a reason all this has happened.
* 1 year later*

"We will leave you two to fight." This happens almost every other day. The days in between that I get experimented on. To see the extent of how far my powers can go. Lets just say they can go pretty far. After the guard left me and Winter fight. He doesn't remember his name so I have decided to call him that. His name that people call him is the winter soldier. Anyways what we actually do is talk and play games. He is like a older brother to me. Considering there is no cameras in the arena we fight in, this is pretty easy to do.

"Ok tell me Elemental. How did you get your powers actually." He started calling me elemental after me telling him I can control all four elements.

"I really don't know. As far as I know I've had them since birth."

"Wow that's weird? Have you ever really thought about why you might have these powers? Like I don't know maybe your dad is some sort of magician, or your mom is a goddess." We both stayed silent then started quietly bursting out laughing.

"Yea your funny, No way in hell is that real. Gods and Goddesses and all that."


"Yea I don't know I just never really thought it was real." We all of a sudden heard a loud bang I jumped and to only find out it was winters arm accidentally hitting the floor.

"Amaya? May? Were did you go?"

"What do you mean I'm right here." Winter jumped back in surprise

"Uh Elemental?"


"Your invisible."

"I don't think I heard you right Winter."

"Maya I cant see you at all. But I can strangely hear you." I focused and imagined me coming back into Winters sight. As soon as a blink of an eye I'm visible again.

"Holy shit."

"Hey your only twelve don't cuss like that."

"How can I not cuss?! I can turn invisible Winter! This is amazing!" I jump up excitingly up and down but then I can feel my body disappear again. It feels like a bunch of tingles surrounding my body.


"Yea Winter this is gonna be difficult to control."

"Oh Jesus." Winter says as he face palms himself with his flesh hand.

!!AUTHORS NOTE!!- ok this is the last chapter for tonight! I hope you enjoyed please vote and comment! How do you like Winter and Amaya's relationship? Personally I love them with my whole heart:) Love you all!

ELEMENTAL- book 1// S. ROGERSWhere stories live. Discover now