Ch 7- Dad.

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                  New York, New York City
                        S.H.I.E.L.D BASE
January 13th, 2001

"No." Tony stark? I don't even recognize the name.

"How do you not know who Tony Stark is? He is a pretty famous and rich person. Who is also an ass." I hear him say that last part under his breath

"Sorry i've been in captive for my whole life. Jesus."

"God kid. Look. We found your dad. Tony stark is your dad bu-" I needed to cut him off

"No. He left me and my mom for a reason."

"But what if your right. Maybe your mom was lying to you wouldn't you like you find out? This can be a chance to not go to a foster home. This can be a chance to have a life Amaya. Take it." I like that. How it sounds. A chance at a new life.

"Ok. Call him."

"Great! I think this will be good for you. By the way i'm Nick fury. Now please follow Quincy to your room you will be staying in for the night. Tomorrow morning you will be meeting your father." He smiled towards me then nodded towards Quincy as she smiled at me and nodded for me to follow her. The walk was short and silent and the room was small, with all white walls and furniture.

"Get comfortable. Dinner is coming for you in about an hour. There is some clothes on the bed for you." With that she walked out. I put on the clothes that was just a white oversized t-shirt and grey sweatpants and I also took a shower that was right next to my bedroom in the very nice looking bathroom. In almost exactly an hour some food came and I fell asleep almost immediately.
"Amaya? Get up. It's time to meet somebody special." Fury.

"My father? Yea what's so special about him? The rich guy? Yea so special." I say with venom laced in my voice. As I slowly got out of my bed my eyes trying to get used to the light.

"Just get dressed into these new clothes have some breakfast and Quincy will be waiting for you outside. He is already on his way." My eyes widened. This is happening fast. I did what I was told and the clothes was just a Black tank top and leggings with black short heels and a leather jacket I loved. I walked out to see Quincy. We smiled towards each other and she told me to follow her.

We got to this room that was like another lab I was in yesterday I sat down and Quincy left me alone for a few minutes. With those few minutes I realized what the hell is about to happen. I'm gonna meet my dad. Why did I agree to this. I'm so stupid, god. But before I could finish my sentence Fury walked in.

"Ready to meet your dad?"

"Not really but do I really have a choice?"

"Nope." He left the room to come back with a man that looked almost like the male version of me with darker eyes.
*Tonys POV*
"Mr. Stark you have an urgent call on the phone."

"Yea and I urgently really don't care. I have better things to do then to answer a call."

"Really sir I think you should answer this."

"Really Hailey I don't think I need to."

"It's about your daughter."

"Very funny I don't have a daughter."

"Well according to 3 DNA tests you do." I froze in my tracks. What? No. I- there is no way. I sped walk towards hailey and snatch the phone from her hand.

"This is Tony Stark."

"Hi Mr.Stark? This is Mr. fury calling from a foster system." I can tell he laughed to him self a little behind the phone, "We have found your daughter. Amaya Antonia?"

"I don't have a daughter."

"Well according to these 3 DNA tests we have you do."

"Shit." I spoke under my breath," Send me the address to my agent Hailey i'll be there by morning." I hung up the phone and sat down while Hailey walked out to give me space. No. No way in hell I have a daughter.
               *BACK TO AMAYA'S POV*
"Are you really my dad?" I asked as soon as he walked in.

"Kid. I really didn't think I was your dad until standing in front of you right now. We look so much alike how am I not your dad?"

"Good point." He sits next to me as I slowly looked up at him.

"My name is Amaya."

"Tony. How exactly old are you?"

"fourteen. Do you by chance remember the name Hela?"

He made a small laugh then said, " Oh god. Yea I do. I was 17."

"I'm sorry. I must be changing everything for you."

"You are. But it's not your fault. Maybe this will be... good for me."

"You want to keep me?"

"Of course." He smiled towards me then i did something I wasn't even expecting. I hugged him. And he hugged me back. We let go from the hug then he said, "Let's get going home."

But as we were about to leave the room Fury stopped us,"Mr.Stark we need to tell you something before you leave about Amaya." He wasn't gonna tell him about my powers was he? That would be stupid.

"She has abilities. Amaya please show something." Uh no. But all i did was eyes wide form water in my hands as I turned towards Tony to see a curious face. He touched the water formed around my hand and broke the cycle dropping water on the floor.

"Nice going." I said as he turned towards fury then me.

"How can you do that?"

"I don't know. But I want to find out probably as much as you." He nodded then we said our good byes and I got into this black limo.

"Happy, Amaya, Amaya, Happy, he is my driver and honestly i don't even know anymore." They both laughed together as I smiled towards the two friends.

"Nice to meet you Amaya!"

"You too happy!"

"So who are you?" Happy asked.

"My daughter." Tony answered for me making a warm smile towards me.

"Happy make sure nobody finds out I have a daughter yes? Everything laid low."

"Yes sir."

"So Amaya. Tell me something's about you other then the fact you can make water out of your hands."

"I can do more then make water with my hands. I can control all four elements. I have enhanced speed, agility, hearing, sight and I heal faster then a normal being, I can turn invisible, and read minds. But i promise I won't get into your head without permission." I smiled towards him noticing a little panic when I said read minds but softens after I say the last part.

"Wow your incredible."

"Thank you!" I say smiling towards him. The rest of the car ride was pretty silent until we got to the airport.

"We have to fly?"

"I live in Malibu, California. Also we have a room set up already you can make any altercations you like."

"Oh wow yea thanks." We got into the airplane and I fell asleep before the flight could even take off. What was weird to me was that the flight was private. How rich is this guy.

"Hey um kid. We are here." I woke up with a startle and calmed once noticing it was just Tony. We got out of the private jet for me to just walk out to see 2 beautiful matte black and red Lamborghini's.

!!AUTHORS NOTE!!- I know it's really early but I really wanted to post today🙂 I love this duo so much and I cant wait for more of them:) Please vote and comment your thoughts! Love you all!!💕

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