Ch 10- Blonde hair

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                           MAY 2009

"Come on May you would look so good!"

"Then you dye your hair blonde!"

"No! never."

"Then I am not doing it." I say as I sit down on the bench in the training room that were supposed to be fighting in right now.

"I really think you would look good in blonde hair."

"And I honestly think you would look good in blonde hair to but we all cant get what we want can we?"

"Fine." I stared at Natasha as she sat down on the bench next to me and started to pout.

"Okay Okay. How about we make a deal."

"I will dye my hair blonde when I have sex with captain America. But then you have to dye your hair blonde with me." Her pouting face turned into a smirk then said

"Deal" As she stuck out her hand for me to shake, I gladly took knowing that it will never happen.

!!AUTHORS NOTE!!- I made this part purposely very short for a reason!! I also want to give credit to Mitzyy87 from her book mercury! Its not exactly the same but I did get the idea from her! Go read her book now its so good! Anyways please vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter because we are half way through book 1!!!

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