Ch 2 (part 2)- The arc reactor

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                     MALIBU, CALIFORNIA

I walked into the room were there was a huge reactor. There was my dad staring at it. I walked up to him and stood next to him.

"What r u doing here."

"Well the last time I checked my dad loved his company and would never do what he just did in that room a few moments ago."

"Yea well people change. Things change."

"Yea I know." Before we could speak more Obadiah walked in with a cigar in his mouth.

"Well that, that went well."

"Did I just paint a target in the back of my head?" My dad asked Obadiah who was now standing next to me.

"Your head? What about my head? What do you think the over-under on the stock drop is gonna be tomorrow?"

"I can answer this! Optimistically 40 points." I spoke up.

"At minimum. Hear that Tony."


"Tony we're a weapons manufacturer."

"Obie, I just don't want a body count to be our only legacy."

"That's what we do Tony. We're iron mongers. We make weapons.

"Its my name on the side of the building."

"And what we do keeps the world from falling into chaos." Obadiah kept fighting back

"Not based on what I saw. We're not doing a good enough job. We can do better. We're gonna do something else."

"Like what dad? You want us to make baby bottles?" I finally spoke up.

"Look M I thinks we should take another look into arc reactor technology."

"Ah, come on. The arc reactor, that's a publicity stunt! Tony, come on we built that thing to shut the hippies up!" Obadiah countered

"It works."

"Yeah, as a science project. The arc was never cost effective. We knew that before we built it. Arc reactor technology, that's a dead end, right?"


"Huh? Am I right? We haven't had a breakthrough in that in what? 30 years."

"That's what they say."

"Could you have a lousier poker face? Just tell me, who told you."

"Told him what?" But I was ignored.

"Never mind who told me. Show me."

"Its Rhodey or Pepper, Rhodey or Pepper."

"I want to see it."

"Okay Rhodey." And with that my dad took of his sling and started un buttoning his shirt.

"Oh my god dad. What the hell is that?"

"Its a small reactor. Its keeping me alive right now."

"Holy shit." Was all I could say to that.

"Okay." Was all Obadiah could say as he started buttoning up my dads shirt.

"Okay." My dad spoke back. Obie started to chuckle looking around.

"It works."

"Listen to me tony." Obie put his arm around my dads shoulder, "Listen Tony. We're a team. Do you understand? There's nothing we cant do if we stick together. Like your father and I."

ELEMENTAL- book 1// S. ROGERSWhere stories live. Discover now