Ch 1 (Part 2)- What did you do.

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A lot has changed in 2 years. Budapest for 1. But I am not going to get into that right now. And other things where people died. I almost killed my best friends but you know the normal. I gained a new power. We're I can create barriers. Let's just say it didn't end well.

I am currently sitting in my living room of my small apartment reading one of my favorite books called Ill give you the sun when my phone went off.

"Hey Pep! What's going on?"

"Hey um Amaya something happened and you cant freak out." Her voice sounded raspy. Like she has been crying.

"Pepper what happened." I said in a serious tone.

"Your dad, he was going to some conference for the military. We don't know exactly what happened we just know he got taken the car he was driving in got uhm ambushed everybody dead but he was missing. Amaya I don't know what to do. I am so sorry"

"Ill be in Malibu by tonight." I hung up before she could respond. I had tears in my eyes as I ran packed a suitcase and made an emergency flight to Malibu. My eyes started to turn green while packing.

"Breathe Amaya. Breathe. Your okay." I breathed in and out as my eyes turned back to its blue color.

"Thank you Happy."

"Of course May. Please call me with any updates."

"Of course Hap." I walked into my dads Malibu house to see Pepper sitting on the white sofa in the front.

"May?" She dropped everything and ran to me throwing her arms over my shoulders hugging me.

"Its okay. He is going to be okay."

"I don't know May I feel like this is bad." She let go of the hug and sighed.

"It will be okay. They will find him. I know some people who might help ju-"

"Who do you know?"

"Just some friends."


"You can NOT tell dad do you understand me?"

"About what?" I told her everything about Shield. Lets just say she was surprised.

"Wow May. That's a lot."

"Look I am serious Pep I'm not even supposed to be telling you so when I say don't tell dad I mean it. I can lose my job."

"I wont tell anybody. I promise."

"Thank you Pepper. I am gonna call my boss I will be right back."
                        * 3 months later*

"AMAYA!" I heard Pepper call me into the main front room.

"What Pep is everything okay?"

"They found your dad he is on a plane to Malibu now."

"Holy shit." And with that we called happy and got a ride to the airport. And before I know it me and Pepper are standing watching my dads plane land and him walk out of it in an arm sling. As he approached us I carefully hugged him making sure not to hurt him.

"Its okay kid I'm here." I let go of the hug.

"I thought you died."

"Well I am here."

"I see that." Then he turned towards Pepper.

"Your eyes are red, a few tears for your long-lost boss?"

ELEMENTAL- book 1// S. ROGERSWhere stories live. Discover now