Ch 9- Elemental.

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* 4 years later*

"May you there?" I hear nicks voice over comms.

"I am on my way back to quarters chill the fuck out nick."

"I just need you to meet somebody new."


"He is a new recruit."

"Ohhhhh fun."

"Yea so hurry your ass down here agent Stark." He said in a firm tone.

"Whatever." I started to drive off in my black matte Lamborghini that my father gave me when I got my license and started blasting ACDC as I drove to headquarters.

I walked into the big glass doors to find nick and a man that looks slightly older then me standing in my office that was see through as it was surrounded by windows.

"Hi! I am agent Stark, you can call me Amaya though." I said as I walked inside my office and shook the new mans hand.

"Nice to meet you Amaya I am agent Barton, but like you said you can call me Clint. Wait... stark?"

"Uh yea. Legally you cant tell anybody. So don't. Thanks." I smiled sharply at him.

"Why would I tell anybody? That's your business not mine."

"Hm thanks."

"Great loved the introductions. I have some missions for you two." Fury spoke breaking the silence, And with that we got to work, little to my knowledge that this man next to me would become my brother figure.
                       * one year later*

Me and Clint were currently in the training room sweating our asses off.

"Ok I give up." Sweat dripping down my face my eyes turned dark green as I pinned Clint down with my wind then let go making it clear I won.

"That was unfair! We said no powers!"

"Yea whatever."

"Your indestructible!"

"No I am not! I just heal fast." I say pretending to pout.

"Your twenty-one years old. Get over yourself."

"I ha-"

"Will you two stop fighting god." We both stopped our squabble and quickly whipped out heads to were the voice was coming from.

"Oh! Look who it is! Dear old nick."

"Don't start this shit with me today May. I'm tired."

"You always say that yet, you still put up with me" I say with a smirk

"Look I just need to ask you a question, Clint already answered."

"Oh god. What is it?"

"What if I were to ask you for a code name."


"I think its to dangerous when we are on missions using our real names. You guys need code names to protect yourselves and others around you."

"Great! How do I?"

"Anything. A code name that correlates towards you. Not some silly shit."

"What did Katniss say?"

"Very funny. I said Hawkeye."

"Damn. Cant make fun of that. Um."
*flash back*
" Ok tell me Elemental. How did you get your powers actually?"
*flashback over*


"What did you say?"

"Elemental. That's my code name." I smiled towards the both of them.

"I like it May."

"I like it to" I said looking up towards Clint who now had his arm over my shoulder.
* 3 months later*

I was currently in my apartment when I got a call from Fury.

"No." I immediately said as I answered the phone.

"Get over your self agent. We have a new recruit I want you to meet. I think you and Clint would like her."

"No. Today is my break day. My father is gonna kill me. I told him I would go out to dinner."

"Tell him you have to cancel. Emergency at work."

"You think he will believe me? Oh yea 'Hey dad! There is an emergency in the hotel the fire alarm went of' Yea he will  believe that." When I turned eighteen I told my dad I got a job as a hotel manager. But I need to travel a lot due to me being a manager for multiple hotels.

"Great glad it worked out! See you in twenty." Then he hung up the phone as I sighed and got up to get ready and go to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. I then picked up my phone before leaving calling my dad. He picked up immediately.

"hey kiddo what's up."

"your gonna hate me."

"your joking."

"I am so sorry we can reschedule for Saturday night. Emergency at work. Fire alarms went off I'm sorry I need to go."

"its fine kid I had an award show anyways tonight that I was gonna miss."

"funny. I love you dad see ya."

"Who said I was being funny? Love you May bye."

I walked into the big glass doors once again too see a familiar looking women, Clint and Fury in my office. Again.

"Why is it always in my office?"

"Yours is big."

"Mhm. Hi! I am Amaya pleasure." I said smiling towards her taking out my hand.

"What did you say?" She said towards me her eyebrows furring together.

"My name is Amaya?"

"Amaya? I-Its me Natasha. R-Romanoff."

"What?" Tears started swelling in my eyes. That's how I recognize her. Her red hair still beautiful and bright but now to her shoulders instead waist. We both hug each other not wanting to let go. Then Nat lets go holding my face.

"Its really you May?"


"So I am guessing you already know each other?" Clint asked

"We were in the red room together. Roommates actually when we were younger."

"Well glad the introductions are out of the way then." Fury spoke

" Wait Your joining S.H.I.E.L.D?" I asked Nat

"Yea. After I escaped the red room S.H.I.E.L.D found me. Got on there radar in a not good way. Clint was called to kill me. He chose a different option."

"And that is why I love you." I say towards Clint as I grab his face in a jokingly matter letting go and looking towards Nat.

"Its good to see you again Red."

" You to May."

"Its Elemental now."

!!AUTHORS NOTE!!- Guys we are almost to part 2 of book 1 and I am so unbelievably excited!!! and the plans I have oh my godddd. Anyways, vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter! Love you all!!

ELEMENTAL- book 1// S. ROGERSWhere stories live. Discover now