Ch 8- Cheer practice?

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                        Malibu, California
                      January 13th, 2001

"Those are your cars?!"

"Yep choose one."

"What's gonna happen to the other car?"

"Happy will drive it. Choose one."

"Um the black one."

"Good choice that's my favorite to." We got into the car that had a star lit ceiling. It was beautiful. I saw Happy get into the other car through my mirror. The car ride was pretty silent the whole time. Every once in awhile Tony would ask if I was doing good and I would always respond with "yes" or "Doing just fine" It was kind of awkward. I mean what do I even say to him. He left me.

"Why?" I asked

"Why what?"

"Why did you leave?"

"Leave? What do you mean?" I fucking knew it.

"God I hate my mother. I knew she was lying."


"She told me after she told you she was pregnant with me you took off." His face turned into a sad look while driving.

"I didn't even know you existed. If I knew she was having you I promise May I would have stayed."

"Ok." Was all I had to say to that. The rest of the car ride was filled with silent sadness. That was until we reached a gate. Tony put in some code and we pulled into this huge driveway. His house was beautiful. White and modern and not a house. A mansion.

"Holy shit this is were you live?!"

"Hah yea welcome home kid." My life is a book. Literally. We walked inside and there was a women there.

"Hi! You must be Amaya! I am Hailey I am your fathers secretary its a pleasure." She held out her hand to me for me to shake so I did and smiled softly towards her.

"Ok!" Tony said clapping his hands together, "Follow me to your room Maya." So I followed him to this huge room that was beautiful. All black and white with a huge closet and bathroom attached. The bathroom had a TV and beautiful lights inside that changed color.


"Heh yea um if you don't like it I can a-"

"Its perfect."

"Great! Good! uh I have to do some work downstairs but um how about you get situated. On your bed is a new phone and laptop. I want you to go online shopping to find any clothes you might need. Go crazy I don't care." And with that he walked out of my new room and left me alone to remince in my new home.
                  February 14th, 2001

Its been a month, and me and my dad... well Tony have been distant. Just making small talk sometimes. He works a lot so I have been filling up my time with online school and reading and looking at my new electronics.

I am currently laying in bed not being able to sleep. I want to get up and get some mint ice cream but I feel like I might be to loud. Fuck it. I get up silently walking down the stairs to see Tony at the island with mint ice cream in his hand. I walk over grab a spoon and sit next to him going to grab a scoop when he pulls away.

"No. It valentines day and I need it."

"Yea I need it to and honestly I don't care." I take the bowl out of his hands and start eating.

"You really are my daughter." I slowly stared at him and then we both started laughing.

"I guess I am dad." I surprised myself by saying dad. Tony stared at me with happiness filling his eyes.

"Did you just?"

"Well you are my dad what else am I supposed to call you?"

"Yea I guess your right M."

"I'm always right." The rest of the night we talked about random things and told stories and we went to bed.

It was now the night time again on valentine's day. I was sitting alone in my room when I heard a knock on my window to turn over and see Fury. I opened the window and he crawled in my room.

"Um hello?!"

"Quite. I need to talk to you without your father around."


"I want you to join S.H.I.E.L.D. Become an agent. You will be trained to go on missions to help people and all."

"Okay." Honestly that didn't need to take much thinking. It gets boring around here and I think I need this for myself," But how? Wont my dad find out?"

"Just tell him you signed up for cheer everyday for four hours."

"Cheer practice really?  I guess got this all thought out."

"Yea I do." And with that he left my room telling me he will pick me up tomorrow at five for my first training.
                       *2 years later*

"Come on Maya! Just take the stupid test for Fury."

"No. I am not taking it. He will have to force me into that room."

"Its just to see how smart you are. That's it." I turned towards Quin and stopped walking.

"I am not taking that test."

"Amaya I know you know how smart you are. Your skipped your freshman and sophomore year! But he just wants to see."


"Come on May."

"I said NO!" walking away again


"What Quin." I said sighing as I stopped walking and looked towards her.

"I cant see anything."

"What do you mean?"

"Maya I'm blind. I cant see a damn thing."

"D-Did I do that."

"Maya breathe. Just focus." I breathed in and my eyes started to turn green and dim back down to its natural blue color.

"Good." Quin said

"Can you see?"

"Yea I can now. Listen I want you to focus. Think of something, anything you want me to see. Can you do that?"


"Okay" I closed my eyes and focused on something for Quincy to see then,

"Oh my goodness! Hold on May not yet look at this adorable puppy!" Quin started kneeling down and petting the air.

"Uh Quin?"


"There is nothing there."

She stopped petting the air, stood up and looked at me in surprise, "May."


"What did you think of?"

"A puppy. D-Does this mean I can make people see things that aren't there?"

"I guess so."

"Holy shit."

!!AUTHORS NOTE!!-  I cant believe I got to post again today!  Please vote and comment your thoughts! Love you all!

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