ch 5- The escape

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               RUSSIA UNKNOWN BASE
2001 January 11th
    *3 years later*

All I could hear were my screams as they cut open my stomach then watching it heal again within seconds. But then they took out this knife that looked different. The medal was different. They cut a smaller cut on my stomach but this time it didn't heal.

"это сработало. Наконец-то."
(It worked. Finally)

"This medal is hard to get and can only be found in Wakanda so put the knife in the safe please, bandage her then Take her back to her room" A person by the name of Strucker ordered. They did as they were told and when I was in my room I broke again. I do this every time they experiment on me. Three years. I'm fourteen today. After a few more hours another guard walked in.

"Get changed into your uniform you're training today." Before I could respond he slammed the door into my face. I got changed and pushed the red button by my door telling them I'm ready.

"I'm done."

"We can see that."

"Great." They grabbed both sides of my arms put the device once again around my neck and brought me into the room were Winter was already waiting for me. They took the neck device off of me and closed the door. As soon as the guard did I ran towards winter and gave him a hug.

"Happy birthday doll."

"Thank you winter!" I let go from his hug and then his face got serious.

"Oh god. What's wrong Winter."

"I think I have a way for you to get out of here."

"What do you mean."

"How has your invisibility going."

"Winter it has been three years. Its going pretty amazing." I stopped talking and just stared at him knowing what exactly what he means by this.

"Oh my god."

"I'm just saying... What if you used your invisibility to get yourself out of here."

"What about you?"

"What do you mean what about me May?! I have to stay here. I need to stay here. I can distract the guards while you get your ass out of here."

"O-ok I guess were doing this."

"I guess we are. Ok listen..." Winter started explaining the plan he thought out already. It was perfect. Probably. Hopefully will work.

After he explained we immediately started with the plan but before we could, " Winter before I press that red button, I love you. And don't forget about me."

"Never." We hugged and then he laid on the ground pretending to be knocked out. I hit the red button," HELP HELP." I screamed.

The guards busted through the door.

"What the hell did you do!"

"I just- I don't know I must have hit to hard I'm sorry!"

The one guard held me back as they went to check Winter. But before they could get to him he got up and smashed the guards head onto the cement wall. I grabbed the guard that was holding my arm and burned him. The guard soon passed out because of the pain.

"Hurry get out of here before more guards come, turn invisible." I stood there not wanting to say goodbye just yet.

"NOW!" He screamed towards me.

I turned invisible and ran. I saw guards passing me running, screaming for somebody to find me now. All in Russian or Romanian. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't even notice I was outside until I tripped over a branch in the woods.

"Oh my god" I said under my breath. I'm in the middle of know were. I have no idea were I am. And-

Before I could finish my though it started to lightly rain. I groaned as I got up noticing I had a gash on my knee that started healing before my eyes. I walked and walked as it kept raining and raining on me. I finally came across an empty road. I started walking on the road in the rain. Alone.

Well shit what do I do now. I kept walking and I must have been walking for hours because I could see the sun rising. I see a diner. I slowly walk inside. Its empty.

"Welcome." I heard a lady say in a tired voice. Good they speak English.

I nod my head towards her. I sit down in a corner table and pretend I'm reading the menu.

God this is bad. This is so so bad. I'm alone. I have nobody. No family. Nobody. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Uh miss what is it you want." I look towards the waitress not realizing my eyes start turning a dark green. The waitress goes wide eyed slowly backing up.

"What the hell are you."

I cant hold it back anymore, "GOD, Why do people keep asking me this! I don't fucking know." I say this screaming while getting up and slowly walking towards the waitress as she is backing up as I am getting closer and closer. My hands starts glowing green and before I know it I'm sending a gust of wind towards the waitress who slams into the table behind her.

The glow from my hands and eyes dim down realizing what I have just done. Her forehead is bleeding aswell as her left upper arm.

"Oh god. Oh my god I am so sorry." I try walking towards her but she tries to crawl back as far as she can before her back hits the now fallen down table.

"Shit." I start hypervenalating as the chef from the back comes out to see what the noise was. My eyes turn back to its dark green state as I walk towards him.

"P-please don't hurt me." He stutters out.

"I'm not gonna hurt you just... please. Please don't tell anybody."

"I wont I-I p-promise."

"Good." But as I turn around he runs for the phone. But before he could get to it I block his path with fire. The fire starts to quickly spread burning the diner down. fuck. The chef grabs the waitress as they both run out as soon as they can. I stand there watching the fire spread. But before the fire that I created could touch me I run out. But instead of watching the diner burn, I run towards a car in the parking lot. Grab the keys that were in the cup holder and quickly turn the car on. Now realizing I cant drive I guess I just have to wing it.

I pull the car out of the drive way and speed down the road surprisingly not swerving as much as I thought I would.


I have been driving for hours now. The gas light is flashing and In need gas. But I'm in the middle of no where. So the car comes to a halt as I get out letting out a puff and kicking the front wheel sighing. I get back in the car and just sit there. Leaning my head back just thinking what the hell I could be doing right now other then this.

Then I heard a knock on the window that startled me.

"Miss Antonia?" I slowly roll down my window.

"Yes this is her." I say In a cautious voice.

"Were agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and would like to help you if you let us"

!!AUTHORS NOTE!!- Its getting so good guys. So I kind of wrote this chapter last night so enjoy:) Please vote and comment! Love you all!

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