little notes

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Joshua has a crush on the school's most popular guy, Jeonghan. He doesn't have the confidence to go up to him and confess, or even be friends, so he started writing him little notes with a compliment or something that can cheer Jeonghan up for the day.


Joshua writes little notes every single day for a special someone he truly loves, but the one he loves doesn't know about him.

Jeonghan, that's his name. Jeonghan is the most popular student in the university because his father is the principal and loves to play, not toys, or video games but hearts. He always flirts here and there but never gets into a relationship. He always has iconic blonde hair rest down on his shoulders, making every person drool all over him whenever he walks by. Joshua is one of them but he never shows it. He instead acts that he doesn't care about him, that he doesn't also drool about him, that he doesn't want to comb his fingers through that silky blonde hair.

After Joshua confirmed that he has a big crush on Jeonghan, he started to write little letters, and he slips them through Jeonghan's locker every time he has a chance to do so. Little notes like, "you look handsome," and "It was so cool what you did back there," compliments and compliments every day for him from the guy he doesn't notice at all. Joshua knows, he knew that he doesn't get a notice by Jeonghan just for even a second because he is a guy.

You see, Jeonghan is not like Joshua who likes boys, well at least that's what he thinks. Jeonghan doesn't hate them, he just never heard that Jeonghan slept with a boy or go flirting because he always sees him flirting with some random chic. That's why Joshua feels that he will never get a chance with him no matter how he wants him to notice him.

Now, Joshua is preparing to go to school. It's currently 6:56 in the morning. He always leaves his apartment this early because of how far the university is. It will take 5-10 minutes every day. If he misses the bus, it will be a hassle for him because he will arrive at the school late. Joshua grabs his bag and finally leaves the apartment.

Jeonghan and his group of friends walked through the hallways. Jeonghan went to his locker and opened his locker and a note fell. Jeonghan picked it up and sighed. He wants to know who keeps doing this in the past few months. Jeonghan never threw these away, he kept them. He wants to know who gives little notes to him and writes in on a small piece of paper.

good luck with your presentation today

Jeonghan smiled at the paper and put it back inside his locker. Jeonghan might be a player, but he wants a stable relationship. Jeonghan then grabs what he needed in the first period. Vernon is beside him, leaning against the lockers as he was scrolling through his phone. He smiled when his message ringtone rang.

Jeonghan and Vernon are childhood friends. They met in elementary, 2nd grade when he transferred. Vernon is popular by his looks like Jeonghan, that's why they were expected to be friends because they have the looks that give bad boy vibes throughout the whole campus. But unlike Jeonghan, Vernon has a stable relationship with his lovely Boo Seungkwan. They started dating in 9th grade. They are in 2nd-year college now, they are as strong as any relationship there is in their group of friends has. Vernon and Seungkwan are such a great match, they look so cute together and perfect for each other.

"Vernon, you are so whipped for your man," Jeonghan said

"Well, at least I have a relationship, not like any other guy here," Vernon replied

"You take that back"

"Try me," Vernon smirked

"Oh cut it you two, it's not like Jeonghan is the only single in this group, I am too you know," Woozi said with no emotion at all.

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