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Joshua doesn't know why but he felt his body numb and tired. Even though he needs to go through the day, he gave up when he felt his headache was so bad. He just fell back on the bed and hugged his partner, not wanting him to let go.


"Urghh.." Joshua complained as he placed his hand on his head, hoping that his headache will go away

Joshua's head has been aching ever since he opens his eyes. He doesn't even know why. He has been lying there for a few minutes now, Jeonghan beside him sleeping. He doesn't want to wake him up but he snailed his arms around Jeonghan's waist and hugged him. 

Joshua and Jeonghan have been partners ever since high school. They were a good match. People were envious of them as they walk through the halls, even their friends cringe and awed at the same time when they see them. Joshua was the one who confessed first and it was quite a show. Everything wasn't planned, they were both at a party that their friend, Seokmin, held. A lot of people were there, Seokmin is always the one who plans a party every weekend. And of course, they were teenagers were wild, they were wild, including both of them. Joshua was never the one who drinks, but he did because of some game and that game led them both in some wrong things. They didn't hoo up or whatever but Joshua was drunk and he stood up on a table and shouted the feelings he had with Jeonghan to the whole crowd and Jeonghan being drunk too, he went up to Joshua and kissed him.

 Everyone was shocked but they cheered for them and after that, they didn't know what happened that night but when their friends told them and it was the hot topic in school. Everyone was talking about them and they were embarrassed and didn't talk with each other until...


Joshua and Jeonghan still didn't talk to each other after that incident because they were too shy to face each other. But finally, the day came when Joshua asked Jeonghan to meet with him after school at the nearby park. Jeonghan agreed and now they're here, sitting on a bench, not to mention, very awkwardly.

"uh...okay, I can take this anymore, Jeonghan, I-I do like you and I was about to confess to you someday because I do have the confidence. I wasn't scared of our friendship being broken, it's just that I wasn't at the right time every time. And now I know that it was quite a show but I do hope if you don't like me like that, it's fine Hannie-ya, I just hope it won't ruin our friendship," Joshua explained and he took a deep breath

Jeonghan looked at him, he doesn't have words to say but he does also have feelings towards Joshua it started when they locked eyes in the very beginning they met. Jeonghan was just so shy and keep on thinking about what will Joshua say and react if he confess to him. But suddenly, all those shyness he kept, was long gone when he got drunk at Seokmin's party. Jeonghan still stared at him and he looks like Joshua was waiting for an answer. He opened his mouth but no words were left out from his mouth. He was too shy and he swears that he looks like a tomato right now.

"Hannie...please talk to me, I completely understand that you do-" Joshua was cut off when Jeonghan hugged him

"Shua," Jeonghan whispered as he hugged Joshua, "I do have feelings for you, it's just, I'm just too shy right now and I don't know how to face you but I like you so much Joshuji, ever since we met when I laid my eyes on you. You were always there with me no matter what happened and how can I not fall for you when you are such a kind person Joshua. No matter what happened to you, when people talk shit about you when someone gets hurt, you are always there to help no matter what, being so kind towards the person. You're such an angel Joshua that's why I fell for you. I thought I can just ignore this, but I can't. I try and try to say it to you too but I thought you will never look at me like that until what happened at the party," 

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