jealousy, jealousy (s)

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my first ever smut one-shot

The two idols are a great match. Jeonghan being the clingiest among them, and Joshua is the jealousy type of boyfriend. So when Jeonghan started to get clingy to any of the members, Joshua will get furious and Jeonghan knows that, so he doesn't do it. But Jeonghan forgot about it in one fan meeting and let's just say, Jeonghan couldn't walk properly the next day.

-daddy kink


-in control


"I can't wait to see our fans again, it's been so long," Jeonghan said as he leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. 

They were on their way to the venue of their fan meeting. The group is in their specified unit van. The hip hop team are in there's, the vocal team are also in their van and so as well the performance team. They just got back from the stage where they performed their comeback song 'Ready to Love'. It was tiring but if it's for their fans, they will do anything to make them happy.

If you are probably wondering who is the shoulder Jeonghan is leaning on, well that would be no one else but Joshua. He and Joshua had been in a relationship for some time now, like, 2 years and 4 months. It was forbidden at first to date, especially in their group of friends, but can you blame them? It was Joshua's love for Jeonghan that he can't bear to confess. Joshua has and always had his eyes on the blonde man and he doesn't deny that he is very whipped for him. Joshua will just let Jeonghan cling to him, private nor public. Their dating was an issue before because they were the first in the group to start dating. The staff wasn't surprised but just a little worried about what the fans are gonna say. So when they knew about it, they talked to Joshua and Jeonghan that they should keep it a secret from the public, for now. Both Joshua and Jeonghan agreed and didn't argue further.

"I know right, I miss them so much also," Joshua said as he also leaned his head on top of Jeonghan's and intertwined their hands.
They just sat there, enjoying each other's presence, while the other members are busy on their phones and blasting music.

Not long, they finally arrived at the venue.
Joshua woke up Jeonghan because he fell asleep on the way. They both went out after the other members. This is where they can't show any affection towards each other because it will look too obvious that they are dating but still they do interactions here and there. They walked side by side as their fans screamed around them. They were quite a lot who went and they waved at them. It is so heartwarming to the fans. Their carats are the most beautiful creatures ever existed in their eyes. The other members followed and also smiled and waved. Once they got inside, the staff helped them settle themselves. They started to sit down at their certain chairs. Everything was ready.

After a few minutes, people started to get in. The screams never stopped and they can't help but smile again and waved to them. Everyone started to sign the albums and receiving gifts. Joshua was so into the fan meeting that he didn't mind his surroundings on what's going on. One fan gave him a cute stuffed bunny and he loved it. He got more gifts and so as the members. Everything was going well so far, there weren't misunderstandings and arguments.

Joshua then felt a tap on the shoulder and he looked to his left to see Jun smiling at him as Jun showed him what he got from a fan, which is a bubble gun. Jun blew it and bubbles started to release from it. Joshua laughed and turned back to continue doing the fan meeting.

"Oppa, can I hold your hand?" A fan asked and got shy.

"Of course," Joshua said as he offered his hand to the fan and the fan gladly took it.

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