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Jeonghan is an idol who is on tour right now. He is currently staying at a hotel for a few days for his stay in Los Angeles. He was relaxing in his hotel room and thought he would order some food in the hotel. When his order finally arrived, the guy who delivered it, Jeonghan completely forgot about the food he ordered.


Jeonghan was on the plane waiting for his flight to arrive in Los Angeles. He is going there because of a tour. He is a popular Kpop Idol in South Korea and because of how popular he is, his manager decided to go on a world tour. Not gonna lie, Jeonghan loves his fans and loves his work, but sometimes he wants some alone time, he was some personal time for himself to relax. 

Jeonghan has been an idol for 7 years now and he will never regret being an idol because it's always been his dream. He was only 10 when he started singing and his parents couldn't be more proud of how his voice is so angelic and calming to hear and because of that, he decided to be a singer. He told his parents about his dream and they supported him, despite their financial problems, Jeonghan promised his parents that once he become famous he will never forget about them and provide them with what they needed. When he became famous, he instantly told his parents and it was the best day of their lives, of Jeonghan's life. 

Now, Jeonghan is on his 5th album and this is his 2nd tour already, the last one was hectic because it was his first time, but now he felt confident, actually, this is his third country now and he is excited because he really wants to visit L.A and it's also his dream to go here. He looked outside the window and he can see the city already. He has a smile on his face and can't wait to explore L.A if his manager let him. On the first tour, he didn't ask permission on exploring Canada, so he end up getting lost. He didn't have a bodyguard but he was lucky to have signal on his phone and called his manager. His manager was so furious at Jeonghan for being so clueless, knowing he is an idol and people might notice him and kidnap him or whatsoever. Jeonghan apologize and now, his manager hired a bodyguard, Jackson Wang is the name and he has been a good bodyguard ever since then.

"We are  going to land shortly, sir, please double-check your seatbelt and make sure tha-" Jackson said but was cut off by Jeonghan

"Yeah, yeah, I know what to do, you don't have to instruct me every time," Jeonghan rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled at Jackson

Jackson just looked at him and smiled. Once the plane landed, Jeonghan looked out the window again and they are a lot of cameras, also known as paparazzi. Jeonghan sighed, this is one Jeonghan hated by being an idol. Cameras are always everywhere, he doesn't have any personal space. He always thinks that a camera is following him, which creeps him out. One time he was just getting some fresh air, and literally, he was scandaled by talking to a stranger, which is a girl, knowing that he opened up to be gay to the media. Some people were shocked, but eventually, they accepted him. Of course, they were anti-fans but he could care less about them, they didn't bother him. He was confident in himself, so that's why it didn't bother him.

Once Jeonghan went out of the plane, paparazzi surrounded them, asking questions about what it felt like to be in the 3rd country he was touring at. He answered honestly and he just walked off, not caring about what people thought about him. Sometimes he wishes that he can just flick them off and just walk away, but he can't, it's a bad image of his if he does such a thing. 

"God, I hate them so much, can they just fuck off?!" Jeonghan whispered and Jackson heard him and just chuckled





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