who are you?

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Joshua is a gang member. He kills, and tortures people, but not innocent people. He and his other members are dangerous people. They get what they want no matter what or how they get it. Joshua is a cold-hearted man who doesn't care about what they are doing, but everything changed when his roommate from university followed him when he was on a mission on selling drugs but instead got beaten into pieces and he was trying to save his roommate.


Joshua looked at the guy on the ground who was bleeding and got beaten up by his members standing beside him. Joshua smirked at him and he even spat at him.

"I warned you, but you just ignore my word," Joshua chuckled, "Now look at you, you can't even fight back," 

His members laughed. Joshua just looked at the guy and laughed too. The guy coughed up blood and once he stood up, he immediately walked off from them, he is limping and scoffed at them. Joshua and his members looked at the guy they beat up walk-off as their laughter grew more. 

Joshua is a dangerous man, if you mess with him, he will no doubt torture you, not just him but also his members, he will kill you even. Joshua is an orphan, but he escaped because he was sick and tired of the place that he left. He was just 19 at the time when he ran and he knows what the outside is all about already because, before that, he had a family. He lived for 3 years in that orphanage so for 16 years he lived with his family before they got stabbed until now the police don't know who killed his parents and they closed the case making Joshua angry and annoyed. How dare they just close the case, without even Joshua's consent at the time because he was just a minor. They can't even contact his relatives. Ever since that day when he went to the orphanage, he didn't make friends or even talk to anyone, his goal was to escape, not by some people that will adopt him but on his own and find who killed his parents on his own.

After he escaped, he started to do rebellious things like stealing, breaking into stores, killing people, etc. He was lonely but he couldn't care less. He had been like this for months not until he came across some people beating up another person. The people looked at him with a "go away" face but Joshua didn't go away but joined him. He started beating the person they were beating up with them, and ever since that day when the people introduce him to their boss, and also that was the day Joshua became his right-hand man, you know why? because his boss is one of the kids in the orphanage he was in, Wen Junhui. 

Since then, they follow whatever Jun commands them to do and do it. 

"Hey Hyung, the boss is calling us, he brought another victim to beat up with, because this one stole something from us," one of the members said, Xu Minghao

Joshua just rolled his eyes because he wants to chase that guy, but he has to do what Jun commands them to do. They walked away from where they beat up the guy and went back to where they stayed in the trailer park. It's far away from the city to make sure nobody knows about them, even the police can't find them. 

Joshua and the guys, Seungcheol, Mingyu, and Wonwoo arrived at the trailer park, not long, Joshua received a slap on the face, he look who slapped him and it was the girl who is COMPLETELY OBSESSED with him, Sarah. She is such a nuisance ever since Joshua joined the gang. People here say she is a slut and he keeps on flirting with every boy she lays eyes with. Though some of the boys here didn't sleep or didn't even flirt back, she was still so desperate on sleeping and flirt with them. And Joshua, Seungcheol, Mingyu, and Wonwoo are one of them.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU? YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SPEND SOME TIME WITH ME!" She complained about her pitched voice. Joshua and the others rolled their eyes at her antics as she keeps complaining.

"Sarah, shut the fuck up, will you? You're giving me a headache," Joshua said 

"But baby, why didn't you spend time with me? We could've done A LOT more fun things..." Sarah flirted as he cling his arm on Joshua's arm and trailed her fingers on Joshua's chest

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