murder case

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Jeonghan and Joshua met in a weird situation. They swore that they will never cross paths again, not until Jeonghan was accused of murdering his ex-boyfriend. Joshua is a prosecutor and he was the only one Jeonghan has right now. Though both of them are rivals, Jeonghan trusts and tries to let Joshua believe that he didn't murder his ex-boyfriend.

-murder case

-kdrama reference ("Suspicious Partner" I recommend you watch it it's so cute and fun)

-half of it is based on the drama, half of it is based on my imagination of how Jeonghan and Joshua deal with cases like this hehe


Jeonghan cannot believe what he saw, his boyfriend went out of the elevator where he lived, with another guy. Jeonghan was supposed to meet someone here to have an interview on how he was getting a job as an assistant with a prosecutor. But before he even entered the dining area, he saw his boyfriend with his arm around another guy. 

His boyfriend, Choi Seungcheol was cheating on him with another guy. He clearly can't see who it was but he is shorter than him. Then Jeonghan and Seungcheol made eye contact. Jeonghan just turned to the right where the dining area was located and entered. He had teary eyes, but he doesn't want to let it all out or else he will look like a coward crying over a man that just cheated on him. He stormed into the dining area and look around, hoping he can find the person he will meet, but he didn't find him due to the water in his eyes. Not long, Suengcheol called his name.

"Jeonghan!" Seungcheol called which was kinda loud as the people in the dining area are now looking at him

Jeonghan stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at him with mixed emotions displayed on his face. He really wants to punch him straight in the face, but he doesn't want to cause a scene, and besides, he might be arrested for being violent towards him. 

"I don't even want to hear your explanation Seungcheol. I knew you were cheating on me by how you were being odd this past few days, and it was stupid of me to not believe it and trust you, not until tonight when I literally saw you with another guy going out in an elevator and not to mention, your arm around him," Jeonghan said still trying to not let his tears roll down his cheeks

"Aish, Jeonghan you know I will never cheat with you, right? This is why we keep on arguing because of how your mind keeps on overthinking things," Seungcheol said with an annoyed look 

"Never chea- I saw you with another guy leaving the elevator!" Jeonghan is now shouting at him, not caring for the people looking at them

"Jeonghan you know I really love you right? Why won't you just see that? Why would I ever cheat on you?" Seungcheol said 

"I don't know, maybe because I heard you the other day that you WERE SICK AND TIRED OF MY SHIT THAT YOU STARTED DATING ANOTHER GUY BEHIND MY BACK?! TELL ME, DOES HE KNOW THAT YOU ARE STILL IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH ME?!" Jeonghan is now shouting with anger, people still looking at them and he completely forgot that he is meeting the person who is gonna interview him, probably the guy won't hire him at this point.

"Okay, can we sit down first and then continue this?" One thing Jeonghan knows, Seungcheol doesn't like to be the center of attention, but does Jeonghan care? No.

Jeonghan went close to him and slap him hard across the face. Jeonghan then turned around to leave him, but he stumble due to the heel on his shoe that it was broken. It was embarrassing but he didn't care and maintained his balance. Jeonghan was so mad that he wanted revenge, he want to sleep with another guy too to make it even with both him and Seungcheol. He won't beg for his love, he can find someone new, someone, better. Jeonghan feels dizzy but before he fell from it, someone grabbed his arm and held him. The person looked at him as Jeonghan rose his head and looked at the person also. They locked eyes and Jeonghan asked the stupidest question,

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