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Jeonghan and Joshua are married, everything is perfect, but the problem is Joshua's ex-husband, Jake. He came back and he always finds a way and is still obsessed with getting his family back into his hands, making Jeonghan and Joshua fight over it.



"Yes sir, we have to team up with them if we have to make our investments go high sir, and it's already approved by the other company," Jun said as he gave the contract with the signature of the other company placed on it. 


Jun didn't say another word after that. Jun might be right but Joshua didn't know anything about this, and also he doesn't want to team up with that company because his ex-husband is one of the clients. Joshua's ex-husband is completely obsessed with getting him back because he left them and their kids for 2 years. Joshua did also try to get back with his ex-husband but he eventually gave up. Now that he's married, his ex-husband wants him back. Joshua obviously refuses and is really confused on why he is now wanting him back and now that he is closer, it's not making it easier for both him and his newly-wed husband.

"Okay, okay, just leave and make me think about this, I'll call you if I need something," Joshua said and Jun left

It's okay for Joshua because he can avoid his ex-husband's doings and he knows that this is just all for work but the thing is, Jeonghan, his husband, always gets frustrated and stress whenever his ex-husband tries every way to get near and get to contact with him and their kids. Jeonghan will make a fuss again if he knows all about their company teaming up with their company. He doesn't want them to argue again because of some stupid doing his ex-husband do to him. He doesn't want another whole 2 weeks of Jeonghan not talking to him or Jeonghan going home to his mother and not returning to them for a month. Joshua doesn't know why Jeonghan is acting like this if he trusts him so much. Joshua doesn't love his ex-husband anymore and they both agreed that if his ex-husband wants to visit the kids or go out with them, they will let them but still Jeonghan doesn't like the idea that his ex-husband is still trying to get their family back together. 

Joshua went to his phone and find his husband's number to call him, to inform him about this. When he found it, he dialed it right away. 

"Love?" Jeonghan said through the phone,

"Love, our company is teaming up with another company to make the investments go high and it's great," Joshua explained.

"That's great love! I'm sure your company is excited for the investments to go high,"

"Yeah, it is great but the company we're teaming up is where Jake's working," 

Jeonghan went silent for a minute before answering, "Let's talk later," and he hangs up.

Joshua sighed and placed his phone on the desk. After the call with Jeonghan, he knew that when he goes home they are gonna argue with this again. This isn't the first time, and he promised Jeonghan that he will never be in any kind of work with Jake ever again, but here he is, his company is teaming up with them, which is not great at all. Joshua looked at the time and it's currently 6:47 pm. He has to go home by 7 because he promised Jeonghan that they will have a date night, but he thinks that won't happen because of what is going on right now. He grabs all his belongings and calls his driver. The drive home was quiet and when he arrived, Jeonghan arrived also which he instantly went upstairs to their bedroom. Joshua followed him and made the maids cook dinner. When he went into their bedroom, Jeonghan was there sitting on the bed, furious and stress is showing on his face.

"Joshua, why the fuck is he working with you again?" Jeonghan said as calmly as possible,

"Love, it's just a coincidence, I didn't want this to happen, I didn't even know that they already signed the contract," Joshua explained,

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