work work work

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Joshua is stressed because of how the company is going right now. Jeonghan wanted to surprise him when he gets home or make him dinner to relax but instead he was the one who got surprised when Jeonghan went home after getting their daughter.


Joshua is a busy man. Sometimes his co-workers worry about how he is not giving himself a break, but can you blame him? He is the CEO of the biggest company in Korea, the HJ company.  Every day, he has to do work that he sometimes wants to just have a day off by himself, but he knew that he can't because of his family. Joshua is married to a man named Jeonghan. They have a kid name Hyun-a. His family is his happy pill and he has to provide everything for them. Jeonghan is the best husband he could ever ask for. He never complains, he understands, and he is such a caring husband to him. Joshua couldn't be happier with his little family. But because of Joshua's overworking, Jeonghan provides him medicine to reduce his headaches if he gets any. Jeonghan makes sure to let his husband not get sick or get weak. Now, Joshua is stressing over some documents his secretary done incorrectly.


"s-sorry sir," his secretary said, 

"Just, print this over again and give it to me, understood?" Joshua said as he massaged his temples, he is getting frustrated by his secretary. She is been working for him for over a year now and he made it super clear to her that he doesn't accept any print documents unless it's printed with black ink, but still she messed it up. 

The secretary bowed and went back to print the documents. Joshua can't have things messed up right now. Currently, they have been paired by a famous company, Pledis Inc. They have to make everything right, if not, Pledis Inc. will cut off the deal and their company rates will go down, and it's not gonna be a good image for the company. Joshua took a deep breath and went back to reading the emails because they are new ones who got emailed by the other company. 

"Joshua, someone's here to see you," Hoshi, a businessman for 4 years here informed Joshua.

Joshua nodded, letting him know that the person can come in. As Hoshi opened the door, Joshua can't take his eyes off the person who just came in.

"Han, what are you doing here?" Joshua can't help but smile at his husband who just visited him to work. Maybe he didn't notice that it's already lunchtime.

"Why? Can't I visit my working husband now?" Jeonghan said and pouted. Joshua just chuckled and hugged him. 

"You could've informed me before so I can take a short leave and spend some time with you," Joshua said as he swayed them both.

"Hey, I didn't because I want to surprise you with me bringing you lunch," Jeonghan said as he broke off the hug and went to the coffee table to place the bag he brought with the lunch boxes.

Joshua smiled at Jeonghan as he followed him. There are 4 lunchboxes in total. Jeonghan doesn't cook, but whenever he is in the mood to do so, he will make it perfect, and the fact is that his cooking is not bad, it's quite good. Jeonghan opened all the boxes and the smell of his cooking made the entire office smell like it. There were bulgogi, kimchi rice, stew, and of course, Joshua's favorite, chicken. Joshua cannot be more thankful for having a husband like Jeonghan. Jeonghan offered Joshua some chopsticks. Joshua then prayed before digging in and the food, it never failed to impress him. Joshua chewed, letting all the flavor sink in his mouth before swallowing it. Jeonghan realizes this and asked him,

"Why are you not swallowing it? Does it taste bad? I swear I only put a little amount of salt and seasonings," Jeonghan said with worry in his eyes as he looked at Joshua eating his homemade lunch.

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