home service part 2

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The person requested a part 2 hehe

After the encounter between the idol and the fan, they kept in touch. Even though their schedules are both tight, they still manage to call and chat. And not long, Joshua is finally the boyfriend of the great idol, Yoon Jeonghan.

(okay bare with me because this is a long one and message in the end :>)


Jeonghan waited backstage for his boyfriend. He told his manager and the security guards to let him enter. He already texted him about it and after convincing his boyfriend that it's okay, that it won't be unfair to his fans, and after a few minutes, he finally agreed to him. 

"15 MINUTES EVERYONE!!" a staff member shouted making everyone alert

A staff member then went to him and gave him his microphone, which was a sparkly pink microphone. He thanked the staff member and prepared himself too, like adjusting his earpiece and checking his microphone. When he knew everything was okay, he checked his phone because it was vibrating. When he saw who was calling, he smiled. 

"Hi baby, are you here already?" Jeonghan asked when he answered the call

"Yes, I was just stuck because, with your fans, they were just- urgh... good thing you told the guards at the front my name, or else I couldn't go through your fans," Joshua let out a heavy sigh after saying that

Jeonghan laughed at his response and then Joshua said, "turn around," 

When he turned around, he saw his boyfriend with his cute smile. His eyes even curled up. Joshua is an exquisite specimen of a man. Jeonghan can't help but hug him instantly. He misses the younger so much because they can't really see each other ever since the hotel incident. He and Joshua had the time to talk and chat with each other but they couldn't meet each other just like that because the paparazzi is always everywhere, especially since Jeonghan is one of the most famous idols in Korea. You might be thinking, how come Joshua is now in  Korea and not in Los Angeles, well just a month ago, Joshua's family decided to live in South Korea because of his father's business. His father would be the CEO of his business branch in Korea while his father's brother will take over, that's why they moved here to Korea. 

Though his family is quite rich, Joshua wanted to live like a normal child, not depending on his parents and not wanting to be spoiled by them. He wants to be hardworking, and even though it will take a while, he knew it would be worth it in the end. He studied English and he just graduated last year. Remember when he and Jeonghan met in the hotel? It was just a part-time job because he want to earn money by himself not from his parents. So that's why he does part-time jobs, yes jobs. He had a couple of jobs before and he liked them. Not one of them was horrible, he loved it but he soon quit because he will be pursuing being an English teacher. He was one back in L.A but he will be one again here in Korea. 

"I missed you so much baby, thank you for coming here," Jeonghan said

"Of course Han, I will always make time for you because you know-" Joshua replied as he hugged him tight a little more

Jeonghan rocked them both and stay like that, even though some of the people are looking at them but they couldn't care less. Then when Jeonghan needed to go on stage already, he kissed Joshua on the forehead and told him that he will be looking at him. Joshua bid goodbye and went away. 

Jeonghan looked at Joshua when he walked away with a smile on his face. He turned around and breathed in, he does get anxious and nervous but he knows he can do it. He steadied himself and said:

"Come on Jeonghan, you can do this," and with that, the platform he was on, started to go up, lifting him up to see the fans, the audience awaiting him.

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