Chapter 6:

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-Chapter 6- -Justin's POV-

As of 24hrs ago, my road trip with Selena has officially ended and I miss her like crazy. We definitely have gotten closer over the last 2 months. Also, we have finally exchanged phone numbers so that's awesome. Ever since I have arrived back in California, we have been texting non stop. When Ryan picked me up from the airport, I immediately filled him in on all the stuff that's happened in the last 2 months.

Waking up in my own bed for the first time was a little weird. I'm so used to being woken up by the sound of people snoring or the bumps in the road. When I went downstairs to make myself breakfast, I expected Selena to be there I don't know why. For breakfast I just had a bowl of frosted flakes and orange juice. Sitting down to watch some TV, I realized that now I have to go back to my crazy YouTube schedule. Pulling out my phone from my pocket I opened the twitter app. "Guess who's back?? New Video up on Thursday!! :)" I tweeted and immediatley got retweets and favorites.

Deciding that TV was not really comforting me, I decided to get dressed for the beach. I mean, if you live in California you can't just not go to the beach. Since it was only 9:00am there weren't that many people just yet which was good. Pulling into a parking spot I got out and grabbed my surfboard from the back. Easily finding a spot to put my stuff, I quickly put on some sunscreen before grabbing my surfboard and running towards the ocean.

When I'm on a surfboard I feel like I'm on top of the world, like I'm unstoppable. After what felt like an hour in the water, I decided to take a break. Sticking my surfboard in the sand I sat down and checked my phone. Realizing I had seven messages and four missed phone calls from Selena! I immediately called her back. Luckily she picked up on the first ring.

(Phone Call between Selena & Justin)

S: So what have you been doing that is so important that you couldn't bother to text or call me back?

(Damn she sounds pissed.)

J: Um well Selena, I went surfing and so you can't really bring your phone with you into the ocean unless you want it to get lost or have a waterproof case.

S: Well you scared me. You normally always respond.

J: It's okay. You were just concerned. I hope you didn't think I was dead and called the police. *chuckled a laugh*

S: Oh no, luckily I didn't. So anyway, it's been super boring without you. We actually went bowling after the show yesterday. It would have been much more fun if you were there too.

J: Oh yeah. Did I tell you I was a pro at bowling?

S: Oh yeah? Well prepare to get your ass beaten.

J: Does that sound like a bet?

S: Yeah.

J: Well the minute you're in California again, we will go bowling.

S: Sounds like a plan. Hey um do you want to video chat tonight? Say 8:30?

J: Sure. See you then.

S: See you. Bye Justin

J: Bye Selena.

After hanging up the phone, I realized it was 11:30am. Since it was almost time for lunch, I decided it was time to go home. As I was walking back towards my car, these two teenage girls, about 15 years old, walked up to me. "Hi um I'm Casey and this is my friend Brooke. We are big fans of you Justin. Is it okay if we each took a picture?" They asked. I akwardly smiled. "Um yeah if you don't mind my shorts being wet." I said.

They both chuckled. I leaned my stuff against a nearby car as Brooke stood next to me. Then it was Casey's turn. "Thank You." They both said as I picked up my stuff. "No problem." I said, starting to walk. Putting my stuff in the back and laying out a fresh towel on the driver's seat, I started up the car and carefully backed out. Pulling into my driveway, I got out and walked inside to quiteness. I really should get a dog or something. It's always so lonely here.

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