Chapter 9:

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-Chapter 9- -Selena's POV-

Today Justin and I were going to record this Q&A so my phone was blowing up with questions. We made sure to film it in a different location so people wouldn't find out where I'm staying. Since I was the only one nervous about this whole thing, I got up bright and early to make breakfast so that I could distract myself. Justin on the other hand, came beaming down the stairs with a big ole smile on his face. "Good Morning my lovely." he said and then pecked me on the cheek.

"How did you sleep last night?" Justin asked, as he grabbed the milk from the fridge. "Horrible. I was too busy thinking about today. I am so nervous to film this video." I said, handing him his plate. "Selena baby, I promise everything is going to be okay, and if something does happen, then I will remove the video immediately and say it was leaked." He said, reaching across the table for my hand.

I took it and smiled. "I don't want you to do that. If something does happen, I will have to face it like a big girl." I said. Justin smiled. We let go of each other's hand and began to eat. "So is everything set up at the location?" I asked. He nodded his head. "So can you tell me what the location is?" I asked. That's right, I don't even know where this video is being held. Justin told me it was a surprise.

He finished chewing and swallowed. "Okay fine. I'll tell you." He said. "Drum roll please." He said. I rolled my eyes and drummed on the table for a few seconds. "The Wizards of Waverly Place Studio!" He exclaimed. My mouth dropped open. I haven't been there since the show ended. "You're lying." I said. "No I'm not." Justin said with a big smile. "Oh my god I'm so excited!" I exclaimed.

"Me too." He said. "But wait, how are we going to explain this to the fans?" I asked. "We'll just wing it." Justin said. I'm not good at winging but I'll try my best. After breakfast, we cleaned up the kitchen and went to our rooms to get dressed for the day.

-Justin's POV-

I was so excited to film this video. This will be my first time ever being on the set of Wizards of Waverly Place. I just wish 1:00 would hurry up already. Since Selena and I are keeping our relationship a secret, I'm going to have to try and restrain myself. Once I finished getting dressed, I just went over to my desk and watched some videos on YouTube to pass the time.


My alarm on my phone went off at 12:45 to let me know that I needed to get my ass moving. Before we left the house, Selena and I made sure to put on our disguise. Hopping in the car, I could barely contain my excitement and I think Selena noticed. "I don't know who's more excited me or you." She chuckled.

I smiled while she fumbled around with the radio for a few minutes until she found a song she liked. "Here's an oldie for all you Ariana fans out there. Pink Champagne!" The radio host said. "Oh awesome!" Selena said, turning it up a bit louder. Hearing her and Ariana sing together sounded amazing. I hope they do a collab together soon.

Once we got to the studio, we got out of the car and was met by a security guard who showed us the way to the studio. Before we went inside, I turned to Selena. "Now, before we go in, I just want you to know that this isn't the entire setup. It's just one thing okay?" I asked. "Justin I don't care if it's just a lamp! Just open the frikin door already!" She said. I smiled before opening the door and letting Selena walk in first.

It was currently dark in the room so I found a switch and turned it on. When I could finally see, I realized that we were in the Russo living room. I heard Selena gasp and walk over to the couch. "Oh my gosh. I've missed this place so much!" She exclaimed, sitting down and then looked up at me. "Thank You so much Justin!" She said, walking over to me and giving me the tightest possible hug ever, which I didn't mind of course. "Your welcome babe." I said, leaning in for a kiss.

"Now you need to pull yourself together. We only have this space for an hour and I want us to get through a good amount of questions. Okay?" I said. Selena nodded her head and sat back down at the couch while I started to set up the camera. A few minutes later we were ready to roll.

••••• -Selena's POV-

Talking directly to a camera was a little weird. I'm used to talking to someone or at least someone behind it. Overall I think I did okay. There was a time where Justin and I got a little touchy and cuddly, but he said he would edit that out so I'm not worried. Before leaving the place, I made Justin take a few pictures of me in different spots of the set.

On the way home I went on Twitter and said "break is almost over but I'm excited to get back on the road. See you guys soon xoxo" Tour will be even better now that Justin is coming along.

[A/N: whoo! I finally got a chapter up. I am so sorry for the long wait. I will try to post at least once a week from now on. Let's make that day Wednesday. Okay? So every Wednesday a new chapter will be posted. Ok love you guys and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Byee!]

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