Chapter 1:

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(*I corrected all the spelling errors)

*Justin's POV*

"Bro you almost ready?" asked my best friend, Ryan. "Almost!" I called out. "Dude don't be a girl! Let's go!" he said. Right now we were getting ready to go to a concert. Not just any concert. A Selena Gomez concert. The only reason I was taking so long is because I wanted to look good for my Queen.

Not only are we going to see her, we're going to actually MEET her! "Done." I said, putting on cologne. I went to my living room to meet Ryan. "Dude, you look nice." he said. "Thanks Bro." I was wearing a white T-shirt, jean/leather hoodie, black jeans with a silver chain, and white supras.

"Ready to go?" Ryan asked. I nodded my head. "Well let's go! Selena won't wait for us!" he said, grabbing his keys. Locking the house behind me, I quickly followed. Immediately after Ryan started the car, I popped in Selena's CD.

One of my favorite songs came on, "Birthday". It's such a fun and catchy song. "So Bro, what are you going to say when you meet Selena?" Ryan asked.

Shit. I didn't think about that. "Honestly I don't know." I said. "Oh well I'm pretty sure you'll do fine." he said. Actually I'm freaking out, scared that she will laugh in my face, like other girls have done in the past.

*At the Venue*
*Selena's POV*
I had just arrived at the venue at exactly 6:00. I don't go on till 8:30 and the doors to the venue don't open until 6:15 so I had some time to kill.

Almost as soon as I got to the venue, I was ushered into my dressing room. Right now, I was currently on Twitter following some random fans. Once I got bored with that, I went on Instagram.

I got a notification that someone had tagged me in their photo. Normally I don't look at them but this one caught my eye because it wasn't a picture of me. It was a picture of two boys. I double clicked on it, signaling I liked it, and read the caption.

It said: @/justinbieber: can't wait for the @/selenagomez concert w/ my best friend, @/RyanButler. Can't believe I'm finally meeting my queen." Aww, I'm his Queen? To make his day, I commented and followed him.

"Excuse me, Selena?" said my manager Julie. I looked up from my phone. "Vanessa is here." she said. "Oh bring her in." I said, putting my phone on charge.

*Justin's POV*
Just as Ryan and I pulled into the parking lot, I got notifications from IG. I opened up the app and gasped. "What?" Ryan asked as we parked.
I couldn't breathe, let alone speak. I just showed him my phone. "Whoa bro. Talk about a lucky day." he said. I kept looking at my phone like it wasn't supposed to be real, like it should be a fan page, but it's not. It's really her. My Queen.

When we got inside, we immediately went to buy some merchandise. We then went to look for our seats. Man we were so close to the stage! I couldn't wait for the show! I checked my phone and it was 6:45. The first act, Emblem3 should be coming on soon.

 *Selena's POV*

"So Selena, you think this guy is cute?" Vanessa asked me. I didn't look at her. I just fiddled with my thumbs. I think she knew that was my answer. When I finally looked up, she was smirking. I quickly grabbed a pillow and covered my face.

"Hey it's okay. I think it's cute you like one of your selenators." she said, removing the pillow from my hands. "Really?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Yeah." she said smiling. I started blushing. I don't know what's wrong with me. "Selena?" asked Julie. "Yeah?" "It's 7:00. You need to get ready." she said. I faced Vanessa. "You going to watch the show?" I asked. "Hell yeah." she said.

I chuckled. "Ha-ha well alright. I'll see you in a few." I said, getting up from the couch and following Julie.


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