Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

~Selena's POV~

It's my last day in California before I start traveling to other states and right now I was video chatting with Justin. Yes, our friendship has bumped up a level. We still haven't given out our numbers yet, but this is a start. "So Selena, today's your last day in Cali before you leave to go to Washington?" Justin asked. I nodded my head. "Well, I'll miss you." He said. "I'll miss you too." Just then Vanessa came around and muted my screen. "What was that for?" I asked. "Ask him." She said. "Ask him what?" "Ask him if he wants to come on tour with us?" "What? No. As much as I would like that, I don't think Julia would approve." "Too late. I already asked her and she said she was fine with it as long as he sleeps in his own bunk, so ask him." She said, unmuting my screen.

I didn't even have time to argue with her. "So Justin, I was wondering.  If you're not doing anything for the next two months, if you would like to come on tour with me." I said. "What?" he asked. I chuckled. "I said-"I began, but he stopped me. "Oh I heard you the first time. What I mean is are you serious?" he asked. I chuckled again. "Yes I'm dead serious. Would you like to go on tour with me?" I asked again. "Are you kidding? Yes! Yes! Of course! Yes!" he exclaimed. I chuckled. "Well you better get packing. We leave for Washington at 5am." I said.

His mouth fell open. "Dude close your mouth before flies go in it." Vanessa said. He slowly closed his mouth. "Okay well that means I'm going to have to end this chat and get packing." he said, smiling. I smiled back. "Oh Justin! Before I forget, what's your address so I can tell the bus driver?" I asked. "61 Apple Drive." he said. "Okay thanks. Well, I'll see you in a few hours." I said, waving. "Okay Goodbye Selena."

~Justin's POV~

Holy Shit. I'm going to be going on tour with Selena Gomez! First person I called was Ryan.

<Phone Call>

J: Hey dude guess what?

R: You're going on tour with Selena?

J: Yeah! Wait... how did you know?

R: Oh her friend told me. Vanessa, I believe, is her name.

J: Oh. Why do I have the feeling you like Vanessa?

R: Because it's true.

J: Okay. Well dude I got to get packing. I'm going to miss you bro.

R: Me too. See you in two months. Make sure to text me everything.

J: Oh I will! Ok dude. Bye.

R: Bye bro.

<End of Phone Call>

Putting my phone on its charger, I walked into my closet and picked out 2 suitcases and began packing.


I woke up 30 minutes early excited. I was too excited to even sit. I kept pacing back and forth, checking the window. To pass the time, I made myself a cup of coffee and went on twitter to post an update. "@justinbieber: Hey everyone. Just wanted to say I'll be taking a break for two months. It has nothing to do with you guys, I just need the time to myself. Love you all :)"

After posting, I put down my phone and went to rinse out my cup. Just as I did so, I heard the doorbell ring. Getting a tingle of excitement, I put up my hoodie and sunglasses and grabbed my suitcases and made my way towards the door. Opening it, stood a casual looking Selena, without a disguise. "Need help with that?" she asked, grabbing both suitcases. I didn't have time to speak. I just turned around and locked my door, quickly catching up to Selena.

Once the suitcases were under the bus, she opened the door to hers and suggested for me to go first. When I got inside, it was completely silent. "Everyone's sleeping." Selena whispered. I nodded my head. "Let me lead you to your bunk. Follow me." She led me to the section of the bus where 4 rows of beds were. She pointed to the second one from the top. "That's yours." she said. I nodded my head and carefully hopped in.

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