Chapter 10:

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-Chapter 10- 

-Justin's POV-

After filming the video, Selena and I went home and I exported the video to my Mac while Selena started making dinner. Later that night I started to edit so it would be ready to upload to YouTube in the morning.

-That Morning-

"Justinn.. time to get up. I made breakfast." I heard Selena say while nudging the bed a little. I groaned and rolled over, facing away from her. It's not that I don't want to get up, it's just that I was up so late editing. "Were you up late editing?" she asked. I nodded my head sleepily. I heard her chuckle a light laugh. "Well I'm not going to force you out of bed but you will be eating breakfast alone." she said. "Nooo." I mumbled. "Then get up. I'll be downstairs." and then the door was closed. I sighed as I used my legs to push off the covers. I opened my drawers and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a muscle t.

By the time I got dressed I was a little bit more awake and walked downstairs to greet Selena. "Oh look who decided to get up." she said, smiling. I rolled my eyes as I walked over to give her a kiss. "Goodmorning. What's on the menu today?" I asked sitting down. Selena stood up and cleared her throat. "Well Mr Bieber, today we have a double-smoked bacon, cheddar & egg sandwich and for drinks, I suggested the dark roast coffee with a little bit of milk." I smiled as she was talking and clapped a little when she was done. "Come over here for a second." I said, patting my lap.

She happily obliged and sat down on my lap with her arms wrapped around my neck. "My favorite part of your little presentation was when you called me 'Mr Bieber'." I said, smiling. "Hmm then maybe I should call you that more often huh?" she said, tilting her head to the right. I nodded. "Well then give me a kiss... Mr Bieber." she said, leaning in. After we kissed I let her go back to her seat. "Oh I also have more news. In two days we go back on tour! Isn't that exciting?" Selena exclaimed. "Two days?? I haven't even told my family yet!" I said. "Well you better tell them soon. We got to start packing our clothes and other necessities." she said.

"I'll tell them right after breakfast." I said, picking up my sandwich. "Why don't we tell them in person?" Selena suggested. "In person?" I mumbled, my mouth filled with food. "Yeah because I mean if you tell them by yourself then they won't believe you. But if I'm there then they will believe you." She said, taking a sip of her coffee. "Well what about keeping us a secret?" I asked. "I think it's okay if we come out to your parents. I mean they are your parents after all." She said. I sighed. "Fine. Let's eat breakfast first and then we'll go to my parents house. "Okay." Selena said.

-After breakfast- -Selena's POV-

Once Justin and I were done with breakfast we washed the dishes, occasionally trying to put soap on one another. Then we went upstairs to change. Even though this wasn't really supposed to be a formal meeting, I was still freaking out inside. I mean I'm meeting his parents. "Ready babe?" I asked Justin as I watched him put on his shoes. "Yeah. Got your sunglasses and everything?" he asked. "Check." "Okay then, let's go." Justin said, leading the way.

"When we got in the car, I turned on the radio and "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran came on. I turned it up a little and looked at Justin while I sang. He took notice of me staring at him and smiled. When we were at red lights, I made sure not to turn my head just incase anyone was staring at me. Getting closer to his parents house made me nervous. Was my outfit too casual? My mind was racing with questions. ()

Suddenly I felt a hand on top of mine. "You look fine baby." Justin said. I looked up at him. "I know you're questioning your outfit choice but trust me you look fine." he said, rubbing my hand with his thumb. That gave me a bit of comfort. After a few more minutes of driving we finally reached his house. Justin opened his door first and then opened mine. We walked to the front door and rang the doorbell.

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