Chapter 7:

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-Chapter 7- -Justin's POV-

Since I now had a girl in my house, things were a little weird. I couldn't walk around in my underwear anymore. I had to put on clothes before leaving my room. Checking the guest room, Selena was still sleeping which meant I still had time to make breakfast. Normally I would just eat a bowl of cereal but since I have a guest, I have to actually make food. Knowing Selena's favorite breakfast was scrambled eggs and bacon wasn't so hard. I mostly make that when I don't want to eat cereal.

A few minutes later I was serving eggs and bacon onto her plate when I heard light footsteps come down the stairs. "Morning." Selena mumbled. I looked up and stopped breathing. She looked gorgeous even though she was half asleep and her hair tossed in all directions. She looked adorable in her Victorious Secret nightgown, which couldn't stop my eyes from looking. I stopped midway when I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra. It turned me on but I quickly turned around towards the fridge before she got a chance to notice. "Good Morning." I said.

Once I got everything settled I turned around and poured her some orange juice as she sat down. "Justin you didn't have to do this. I would have been fine with a bowl of cereal or something." She said as I sat down. "I know but you're my guest and I wanted to make you feel special." I said, before taking a bite of my eggs. "Being with you already makes me feel special." She said, smiling which caused me to smile back. "So what are your plans for today?" Selena asked, before taking a sip of OJ. "Umm actually I wasn't planning on doing anything. Why, did you have something in mind?" I asked. "Yeah actually. Well my friends know I'm back in town and they own a dance studio and they wanted me to come in and dance to this old routine we never got around to doing. Wanna tag along and watch?" Selena asked, with hopeful eyes. "You're looking at me with those eyes, how could i say no?" I said, smiling. She clapped her hands happily. "Great! I'll just tell them we'll be there at 11:30 okay?" She asked.  I nodded my head since my mouth was stuffed with food.

-Selena's POV-

Once I got dressed, I went downstairs and waited in the living room for Justin. I was super nervous for him to see us dance and kind of jealous because all my friends are really pretty and when we dance, they sometimes wear less clothing than I do. "Ready to go?" Justin asked as he came down in sunglasses and a sweatshirt. "Yeah and I'm sorry you have to keep putting on disguises. I just want to keep this a secret for a little bit." I said walking towards the front door. "It's okay. Anything to keep my Queen satisfied." Justin said. As I heard the car unlock, I turned around and faced him. "I love it when you call me that." I said smiling. He leaned in and said "Good, because I'm going to keep saying that.' he said, smiling. Stepping away, he opened the passenger door for me and I got in. Once he got in, he automatically started the car and the speakers boomed with my voice, causing me to jump. Justin quickly turned it off. "Sorry." he said. "No no put it back on." I said. He slowly put the music back on and raised it up just a little. "Stars Dance" was playing. As he started to back out, I sang along to my voice.


When we got to the dance studio the paparazzi was no where in sight, but I felt them around me. Justin parked the car and we quickly walked inside, covering our faces just incase. Walking into the studio I was bombarded by my group of friends who quickly took notice of Justin. They took one glance at him and pulled me away into a huddle. "So what's the deal with you and Romeo over there?" Lauren asked. I blushed at the sound of her calling him "Romeo". "Well Selena blushing obviously tells us something." Normani said. "Guys we're just friends...for now." I said in a whisper. They all giggled. I broke out of the group and walked back over to Justin who was just standing awkwardly at the door. "Let me introduce you to my friends." I said, pulling him by the arm.

"Guys this is Justin. Justin. this is Lauren, Normani, Emily, and Samantha, but you can call her Sammy." I said as he shook everyone's hands. "Ready to get started?" Sammy asked. We all nodded our heads. I pointed Justin to a chair where he could sit while holding my bag. "Should I be getting used to holding your stuff?" he asked as he sat down. "Yes." I said, smiling. He chuckled and got himself comfortable. "Justin when we're done, we'll ask for your opinion okay?" Lauren asked. Justin nodded his head. Starting to stretch, I cleared my mind and pretended Justin wasn't there so I could focus on the dance.

A few minutes later, we were ready to start. "Hey Justin you think you could press play on my phone?" Normani asked. "Okay" Justin said. He got up and walked over to where the speakers were set up and pressed play. Once our cue came on, I started to dance and forget Justin was even there.


-Justin's POV-

Once Selena and her friends began dancing, all I could focus on was her. I tried to look at the other girls but couldn't. My eyes kept going back to Selena. She is an amazing dancer. When the song was over, they all walked over to me out of breath. "Well?" Selena asked as she reached for her bag in my lap. "Uh you were all very good." I said. "Now what about Selena? How was she dancing? Because I know you only kept her eyes on her." Sammy said. Selena and I locked eyes for a minute and we both knew we were blushing. "The blush on your face says it all." Lauren said. "Can you guys stop bullying him?" Selena asked, putting the water bottle back in my bag. "We have to get going anyway." She said, motioning for me to get up. "Bye lovebirds!" Sammy yelled as we walked towards the front door. I chuckled while Selena flipped her off.

"Sorry about my friends. They are really embarrassing." Selena said as I pulled out of the parking lot. "Nah it's okay." I said. Once we got home, Selena went upstairs to take a shower while I stayed downstairs.

(A few hours have passed. It's now 6:00)

"Hey Selena, want me to order a pizza for tonight?" I called from the kitchen. "Sure, can we watch a movie too?" She called back. "Of course." I said. Already knowing what kind of toppings she wanted, I went ahead and called the local pizzeria for delivery. Walking into the living room, Selena was sprawled on the floor in a pile of movies. "Damn you have a lot." She said once she noticed my presence. I chuckled. "What can I say? I like to watch movies." I said, getting myself comfortable on the couch. I noticed she dug a little further into the cabinet and pulled out Monte Carlo. "Let's watch this one." she said. "Don't you want to watch something else besides yourself?" I asked. "That sounds kind of cocky." I continued. She smiled but then slapped my arm with the DVD. "Ow!" I said, rubbing my arm with my hand. "Well wouldn't you like it though? Watching Selena on TV, knowing you have the real one snuggling next to you?" She said, getting close to my face, smirking. "That would be nice." I said. "Then it's settled." She said, putting the dvd into the player.

She handed me the remote just as the doorbell rang. "I'll hide." She said, and then slipped into the bathroom. I didn't understand it at first but then I realized that no one is suppose to know she's with me otherwise it'll end up in the papers within 5 minutes. I opened the door and faced the pizza guy. "$15.25." The guy said. I reached in my back pocket for my wallet and noticed the guy peer over my shoulder quickly. "What are you doing all alone watching Monte Carlo?" he asked, snickering I handed him the money and took the pizza before quickly saying. "My girlfriend wants to watch it okay? Got a problem?" I said, before slamming the door in his face. "So I'm your girlfriend now?" Selena asked, coming out of the bathroom. I froze in my tracks, already feeling myself blushing. "Nooo." I said, failing while putting the pizza on the table in the living room.

"Hey I mean I don't mind I just figured you would ask me somewhere more romantic." She said, chuckling as she grabbed a slice. I awkwardly chuckled along with her. She leaned back against the couch as I grabbed a slice. "So are we now a thing or what?" She asked, before looking down at her slice. I smiled and caressed her cheek while leaning in to kiss her. She knew what I was doing and obeyed. I took a bold move but I didn't care at that point. I slowly pulled away. "Does that answer your question?" I asked. "Wow you're a good kisser." She said gleaming. I chuckled. "And yes, it does." She said, leaning in again. I know I actedcool on the inside but on the inside the only thing that was running through my head was that the fact that I just kissed Selena freakin Gomez and she's my girlfriend now. Holy crap.

(A/N: Yay they are finally a couple!! Sorry I posted so late, busy week as I said before. Anyway, give this a vote, comment, and follow!! I'll see you guys next time. Byee!!)

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