Chapter 3

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~Justin's POV~

Ever since I sent a second email to Selena, I've been a nervous wreck. Doubt has come into my mind with all of these questions. What if she only responded to be nice? What if that wasn't really her, just her team pretending to be her? Alot of what if questions and I don't like it!

As I was lying on the couch trying to get rid of the 'what if' questions, my phone started to ring. Looking at it upside down, I realised it was Ryan. "Aye man whats up?" I asked. "Nutin much. Just wondering if you wanted to go down to the beach and check out some girls?" he said, chuckling.

"Sure bro. I'll meet you there." I said. "Okay bro. See ya. Bye." "Bye"

Hanging up the phone, I made my way towards the stairs and into my room. Walking over to my dresser drawer, I picked out a bathing suit. Putting it on, I grabbed a few other things before walking into my bathroom to grab a towel and sunscreen.

Making sure the house was locked, I walked over to my car and made my way towards the beach.

~Selena's POV~

Opening up my emails, I found I got a second email from Justin. To be honest, I hate communicating with people like this. I just want to give him my number already but I don't want to rush things. So for now, I just got to deal with sending stupid emails. As I read his email, I smiled. He really is a sweetheart. 

"Hey Selena. We don't have to be at the areana till 5 so Julie said it was okay for us to go out and do something. How about the beach?" asked Vanessa. "Sure. Just let me send this email." I said, typing away. "That to Justin?" she asked, leaning over my shoulder. Closing my laptop, I got up and faced her. "Yes it is. Now let's get ready." 

A few minutes later we parked in the parking lot and made our way towards the beach. As we were walking, I heard the sounds of cameras clicking. I didn't see any near us but I knew they were around here somewhere, they always are. 

As I was looking for a seat, Vanessa pulled me close to her and whispered in my ear. "I found Justin." she said. I gave her a look. Like seriously, this guy can't be everywhere I am. "And there's two available seats next to him. Come on!" she said, dragging me by the arm. Holy crap I was nervous. 

 When I sat down next to him, my hands were shaking. I looked at Vanessa and gave her another glare. She just smiled and started to put on sunscreen. It was really akward and really quite. I took in a deep breath and began to take off my clothes, hoping he wasn't looking. "Hey Vanessa can you put some sunscreen on my back?" I asked.

"Nah you can do it yourself." she said. I just looked at her. She looked at me smirking. I knew she was doing this on purpose so I'd have to ask Justin. Well, here goes nothing. I turned to face him. Thank God he was on his phone. I tapped his arm and he looked up. "Um Hi would you mind spraying some sunscreen on my back?" I asked.

It looked like he was debating weather he should or should not with himself. "Sure." he said, grabing the sunscreen from my hand. I lifted my hair up and faced Vanessa as he started to spray it. "There you go. By the way I'm Justin." he said. "Thank You, and uh, I'm Selena." As soon as I said that, I swear all time stopped for a minute.

"Oh that's a nice name. Nice to meet you." he said, going back to his phone. I looked at Vanessa and gave her a 'is he serious?' face. She just shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "Well it's nice to meet you too Justin. Im gonna go get some food from the snackstand. Vanessa you want anything?" I asked. "Uhh just a coke please." I nodded my head and went towards the snackstand.

~Justin's POV~

"Dude are you being an idiot or something?? Can't you tell she was flirting with you??" asked Ryan. "All she wanted was for me to put sunscreen on her back! She wasn't exactly flirting." I said. "Um hi excuse me. I'm Vanessa, Selena's best friend and Justin you are such a dimwad. Ever since Selena met you, she's had a crush on you. She can't stop talking about you! So get your ass up and go after her cuz I know you feel the exact same way as her!" Vanessa said. "Yeah! What she said!" said Ryan.

I chuckled. "Alright Alright. I'm going I'm going. Sheesh." I said, getting up and making my way towards where Selena was. "A bag of Taki's please and two cokes." she said to the worker. He smiled and made his way towards the back.

"Um hi Selena." I said. "Hello." She said, not even looking at me. Did I really piss her off? "Listen I'm sorry if I was being rude before." I said. "Your total is $3.26" the worker said. "Here you go." she said. I grabbed the bag of Takis. "Takis? I love Takis!! No I'm just kidding. What, what are Takis?" I asked. She finally looked at me. "They are like little cheetos." she said.

"Oh well, I'd like to Taki to you on the phone so I'm gonna need your number." I said. She started to chuckle. "I think you're gonna need to try harder than that." she said, puting her pointer finger on my chest and then grabbing her stuff and walking away. "Dude you basically got rejected." said the cashier. I gave him a glare and then started to follow her. 


I know it's been a while since I updated but I finally got around to it. This is probably a sucky ass chapter but I like it lol and I hope you all do too. So please vote, comment, and follow! :) Byeee!!!!!!! 

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