Chapter 12:

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-Chapter 12- -Justin's POV-

The next morning I woke up to the smell of coffee. "Good Morning sleepyhead." Selena said, sipping her coffee. "Good Morning." I said, stretching my arms over my head. "Did you sleep well?" She asked. "Yes, did you?" I asked, getting out of bed and walking over to where my coffee was being made. "I did." "So what are our plans today?" I asked, taking my cup from the pot. "Well we actually have a free day." Selena said. "Oh wow. Well what do you want to do today then?" I asked. "Well first we can get breakfast because I'm starving and then we can decide what to do." She said. I just smiled. The first thing on Selena's mind was food.

"Well I'm going to get dressed in the bathroom. You can get dressed here if you'd like." She said, as she started picking out her outfit for the day. I started to pick out my outfit as she went into the bathroom. As I put on my pants, i got a text on my phone. It was from Ryan.

R: yo dude your fans are going crazy.

J: Why?

R: because you just like abandoned them since you're on tour with Selena but also they're freaking out because of the photos of you two kissing.

J: well like i chose not to bring my camera stuff because it's too much to bring on the bus.

R: nah man i understand. I would just try and explain the situation to them.

J: ill try dude. Anyway i gtg change.

R: ok txt me later.

I put down my phone and changed my shirt just as the door to the bathroom opened. "Oh I'm sorry. I thought you were done." Selena said, covering her face. "No it's okay babe. I'm done." I said. Selena walked over to the bed to put on her shoes as I did the same. Once I was finished, I grabbed the room key and my phone. Selena finished a little bit after me and grabbed her phone. We intertwined our fingers and went towards the elevator. I pressed the button to open it but Selena got to press the button once the doors closed. When we got to the lobby, we made our way towards the breakfast bar. Selena got buttermilk pancakes with orange juice and I got some waffles with toast and orange juice. She lead the way towards a table in the center of the room.

"Someone's getting a bit bold." I said, chuckling. "Let people see us together. I don't care what people think of me anymore. You and I both know I can buy their career." She said. I nodded my head in agreement. As we started to eat, these two girls came up to our table and asked Selena for a picture. "Of course." She said and handed me one of the girls' phone. "1,2,3" I said, taking the picture. They then asked me for a picture. I smiled and said "sure.". Then I handed Selena the phone and she took the picture, just before taking a quick selfie with it. She chuckled a bit and handed the phone back to the girls. "Thank you so much." They said as they began to walk away. "No problem." Selena and I both said at the same time.

"You made that girl's day you know, by taking a selfie on her phone? I bet she's sending it to all of her friends right now." I said, taking a sip of my juice. "I know." She said smiling. After we finished breakfast, we went back up to our room and just cuddled in bed watching Netflix.

-A few hours later- -Selena's POV-

"You almost ready babe?" I called from the bathroom as i finished fixing my hair. "I've been ready. I'm just waiting on you." Justin said, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, putting his head on my shoulder. We began swaying from side to side. "You look beautiful you know?" He said. I smiled. "I know." I said, looking at my outfit in the mirror. I was wearing an all black outfit and had my hair up. As we just stood there swaying, smiling at our reflection like idiots, i felt something poke me. I instantly blushed. "What's funny?" Justin asked. "I uh think your friend is excited or something." I said, trying to contain my laughter. "Oh fuck." He said, running back into the bedroom. Once he closed the bathroom door, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I was dying.

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