Chapter 2:

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(*Spelling errors are corrected.)

*Selena's POV*

The moment I got on the tour bus, I went straight to my bedroom with Vanessa following me. I leaped on the bed and got the letter that Justin gave me out of my pocket. "Wow you're really serious about this guy. I thought you would forget about it after he left." she said, sitting next to me. "Well then you obviously don't know me well enough. I keep my promises." I said, carefully opening the letter.

I took it out of the envelope and began reading.

"Dear my beautiful Queen Selena,

First off I don't even think you are going to read this but I'm taking a chance. My love/dedication is as far as the universe itself. No words can describe how much you mean to me. In a certain point of my life, it was bad. I thought no one was there for me, not even my best friend Ryan. I just felt like I was in complete and utter darkness. Nothing could make me happy. Not even you. Until I heard "Who Says".

That song brought me out of a ditch. It brought me out of the darkness and into the beautiful light. Before that, I thought about committing suicide. But because of you, I'm still here today. I love you so much Selena. If you ever got a chance to respond, I put my email at the end of this letter.

I know this is short letter but I honestly don't know what to say. I have no words. You are just amazing. I love you.

My Email:

Love, Justin"

I smiled as I got to the bottom of his letter. When I was done reading, I went over to my couch and grabbed my MacBook pro and went straight to my email. Checking the time, it was 12:45am. Eh it's not too late. I started to type up a response.



Subject: It's me Selena

Hey Justin, it’s Selena. Thought I'd forget about your letter? Well I didn't. I keep my promises. That letter was so sweet. I am so happy I helped you through a rough patch. That's the reason I’m doing what I’m doing. You are a really sweet boy and you are too adorable. :) So how are you? Please respond soon.

Love, Selena :)

"That's all you're going to say?" Vanessa asked, leaning over my shoulder. I gave her a look. "What? I'm sorry it's not a mile long. I just have nothing interesting to say." I said, shrugging. "You're nervous." she said. "No I'm not." I said, turning off my computer. "Yes you are. You always have something interesting to talk about. I mean you're Selena Gomez for crying out loud." she said.

"Well once he responds, I'm sure I'll have something to say." I said, putting the computer back on the couch. "Now, we got to get up early tomorrow for the next show. So let's go to bed." I said.

*Next Day* *Justin's POV* *BeepBeepBeep*

I immediately hopped out of bed and slammed down on the alarm clock. I had a feeling today was going to be a good day. So to start it off, I hopped in the shower. Once I got out, I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to my closet to get dressed.

After I got dressed I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. I ended up having scrambled eggs with bacon and some OJ. When I was done eating breakfast, I washed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher for later, then I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I was done I went into my room and grabbed my laptop and phone and headed into my YouTube room to film a video. The only problem was that I had no idea what to film for this week's video. For what felt like eternity, I finally got an idea and went on Twitter. I'm going to do a Selena Gomez Q&A video.

"@justinbieber: hey guys! Going to do a Q&A Video: @selenagomez edition so send in your questions now!" Almost immediately I got tons of questions. Grabbing a chair and placing myself in front of the camera, I started my video.

*To the Camera*

"Yo what's up guys it's your boy Justin here and today I'm going to be doing a Question and Answer video, Selena Gomez Edition so let's get started! First question comes from @maplewood143 and she says: 'how was it meeting @selenagomez and was she prettier in person?’ Meeting Selena was awesome. She was so sweet and hell yeah she is so much prettier in person. Next question is from @ishipjelena... *looks up at the camera* me too :) and she says 'just admit it. You and selena are dating!’ Ha-ha um no we are not dating. We just met one time but it was the best day of my life. @O2Lrocks11 asks, 'when will you do another meet up? I tried to go to the last one but I couldn’t.' Uhh I'm hoping to a meet up soon, I haven't really thought about doing another one but if I do, I definitely want you to come. *answers a few more questions* Okay guys that is all the questions I'm going to answer for today. If you like it give it a big thumbs up and I'll see you all, next Monday."

*Stops the Video*

Phew, that was a long video. Now here comes the long hours of editing.

*1 Hour Later* I finally finished editing and the video is being uploaded now. I glance over at the clock and it was 12:00pm. Lunchtime! I grabbed my phone and my MacBook and made my way down the stairs. I set my phone and laptop on the island and went over to the fridge to make myself a roast beef sandwich. When I was done I sat down at the island and went to check any emails I might have.

As I was scrolling down, one caught my eye. It was titled "It's Selena". I immediately clicked on it and began reading. I can't believe she responded! I really thought she would forget about it. I can't believe she called me adorable. I can feel myself blushing. Almost immediately, my fingers began typing up a response.

"Dear Selena,

Holy crap I didn't think you would respond! It honestly made my day seeing your email in my inbox. To be honest I have no idea what to talk about because I still can't believe you responded. Okay Justin calm down....phew okay. Uh anyway I just wanted to say I hope your day is amazing as you are and I love you so so much!

xoxox, Justin"


A/N: sorry this was kind of a sucky chapter but i hope you all enjoyed it! Make sure to vote, comment, and follow. I love you all! Byeeeee :)

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