Chapter 8:

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-Chapter 8- -Selena's POV-

When I woke up the next morning it finally hit me that Justin wasn't just a fan anymore, he was my boyfriend. Oh my god. I checked the time on my phone and it said 7:30am. The only reason I was up this early was to make breakfast for Justin like he did for me yesterday. I quietly opened the door to his room and saw him fast asleep. I kind of stood in his doorway for a good 10 minutes just looking around his room. For a guy it was surprisingly neat. I took a final look at his bed and noticed their was a picture frame on his nightstand and I realized that it was a picture of me. Awww. Closing the door, I tiptoed down the stairs and into the kitchen to start breakfast. I was going to make Justin a special Spanish breakfast, hope he likes it.

After I made breakfast I took a step back and looked at my work. Everything was neatly placed and looked well organized. I checked the time again and saw it was 8:45. I think it's time for Justin to get up. I made my way up the stairs and quietly opened the door again. He was still sound asleep. I closed the door quietly and tip toed around his bed. Would it be too much of a risk to lay in bed with him to wake him up? I mean we are a couple now so I don't see the problem. I carefully put my weight on the bed and laid next to him quietly. He snored lightly in his sleep but didn't wake up. It was kind of creepy how I was staring at him but I couldn't help it. He was just so cute. I lifted my hand and lightly traced his features. He slowly opened his eyes when I got down to his chin. "What are you doing?" he mumbled lightly. I quickly took my hand away. "Nothing." I said, and then started to get up but Justin got a hold of my arm. "No stay." He said, tugging at my arm. I smiled and laid back down next to him. "But I made breakfast." I said as he pulled me closer. "So?" he asked. "It will get cold if we wait any longer." I said, trying to get out of his arms but he tightened his grip.

"But I like this better than breakfast." Justin said. I sighed, knowing I wouldn't be able to leave. "If I'm going to stay here, at least let me get under the covers and have my back facing you because I can't sleep this way." I said. He sighed. "Fine." He said, letting me go and lifting the blanket. I got under them and faced away from him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back towards him so that I was up against his front side. I was so close that he was literally breathing down my neck. I slowly started to feel something poke my behind and my mouth opened. I gave Justin a boner! I didn't go to sleep even though I wanted to. My mind was wandering over to the breakfast I had made. I was really hungry. The food is probably cold by now but I didn't care. I quietly got out of Justin's grip and made my way downstairs toward the kitchen. I touched my plate and surprisingly it was still warm. I sat down in my chair and began to eat.

-Justin's POV-

Snuggling with Selena was nice. It was very warm and comfy with her next to me. I never realized until now that I missed having someone to cuddle with. Being alone isn't all that bad until you have someone else in your life and then you realize how much you missed because you were so used to being alone. I woke up a few minutes later and stretched my arms out for Selena and felt nothing. My eyes quickly opened once I realized she wasn't next to me. Then I started to think. She must have went downstairs to eat. I chuckled as I grabbed pajama pants and a muscle t. I never expected Selena to be the type of girl who would choose food over a boyfriend. When I got downstairs, sure enough she was in the kitchen eating. "Finally found you." I said as I sat down across from her. She smiled meekly. "Sorry but I just love food." She said, taking a peace of her omelet. I just smiled. "Never thought you would be the type of girl to choose food over a boy." I mumbled, biting into my omelet. After a few minutes of chewing, my eyes widened. "Damn Selena this is really good! What is it?" I asked. "It's a Spanish omelet. Secret family recipe, and no I will not share it with you." She said just as I was about to ask.

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