Chapter 11:

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-Chapter 11- -Justin's POV-

"Good Morning Sleepyhead." I heard Selena say. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at this beautiful human being lying next to me. "Good Morning." I said, giving her a kiss. "How did you sleep last night?" She asked, propping her head up with her hand. "I slept awesome, knowing you were by my side." I said. "Aww." She said, giving me a kiss. I smiled. Soon she sat up and stretched. "What do you want to do today?" She asked. "Don't you have a concert?" I asked. "Yeah but that's not until later.

"Well we can't really just walk about without people questioning us. I mean didn't you want to keep this relationship a secret?" I asked. "Yes but I'm kind of getting tired of it. I mean I would love to start walking around with you, exploring and such." She said, drawing circles on the bed with her finger. "Are you ready for everybody to ask questions?" I asked. Selena then sat up straight. "I just want to explore the world with you. I don't care about anyone else." She said. That made me smile. "Okay well let's get ready then." I said, getting out from under the covers to go take a quick shower. Once I got out, Selena went in to take one.

After we got dressed we left our hotel room and went to the breakfast bar to eat breakfast. I could feel the eyes on us but I just ignored it as we went to get our food. We chose to sit by the corner so that no one could really hear us. "Everything okay?" I asked Selena. She looked a little bit nervous. I knew people were watching but I didn't care as I lifted my hand to hold hers and gave it a little rub with my thumb. She smiled and began to relax a little. We then began to eat. Selena had a bowl of lucky charms with orange juice and I had scrambled eggs with bacon and milk.

When we were done, we decided to go explore the beach. A small amount of people came up to us and ask Selena for pictures which she happily did. This time around I took a chance and went for her hand which she accepted with a smile. While walking in the sand, I heard the sounds of cameras snapping. Paparazzi. But I was okay with it because they actually kept their distance and didn't constantly ask questions. Selena let go of my hand to walk closer to the water while I stood a few feet behind her just looking and smiling to myself. She eventually noticed and turned around to look at me.

"Why are you smiling?" she asked, smiling herself. "Just because I'm thinking how I'm the luckiest guy in the world for having you as a girlfriend." I said. "Aww Justin." She said, coming closer. "I love you too." She leaned in for a kiss which I accepted. I could hear the faint sounds of cameras clicking. I whispered. "That will be on the internet and the news within 2 seconds." I said, chuckling. "Welcome to my world." She said. I jokingly rolled my eyes and took her hand while we made our way back to our hotel room.

-Later that Day- -Selena's POV-

Today was actually a great day. Justin and I finally decided to tell the world that we were together by going out in public and holding hands. For the most part, social media has been really supportive about it. There is the occasional hate comments but I automatically delete them from the comments and from my mind. I don't need that in my life. I'm happy where I am and nobody is going to change that. Right now Justin and I were cuddling on the bed watching some Netflix before we had to leave in an hour for my show tonight.

A few minutes after we started the new season of "Young & Hungry", I felt my phone buzz with a text message. It was from Julie saying that I had to come to the arena to rehearse something special. I was confused as I typed an "umm.. ok be right there." on my phone. "Everything okay babe?" Justin asked. He gave me butterflies when he said that. "Um yeah. Julie just texted me that we have to go to the arena now to rehearse something special. Any idea what that is?" I asked. He just shrugged his shoulders. "No idea." I sighed. "Well let's get going then." I said, calling Rob on my phone to drive us.

Once we got to the venue, Justin and I were separated. He went to one room while I went to another. No one was telling me anything. They just plopped me into hair and makeup. "Umm guys why are we doing this early? The show isn't for another two hours." I said. Again, no word. I just gave up and texted Julie to come here. A few minutes later the door opened and in she walked. "What's going on Julie? I thought I had to rehearse something special." I said. "Oh yeah that's being taken care of." That didn't make sense. "Well why am I getting dressed this early?" I asked again. "Just so we don't have to rush around later." She said. Before I had the chance to respond, she walked out of the room.

-4 Hours Later-

It's been two hours since the show first started and I had just finished singing "Who Says" and I was in the middle of a quick water break when all of the sudden, I heard a male voice talking. Not just any male voice, Justin's! He came from the side of the stage carrying a sparkled a microphone in his hand with the biggest smile on his face. The crowd went crazy when he came on. "Surprise." he said. I chuckled. "So let me guess." I said, holding my microphone in front of my lips. "This was the special performance Julie was talking about?" I said. Justin chuckled. "Yup." he said, coming in for a hug. "Now go get changed. I got it from here." he said. I just kept the smile on my face as I left the stage.


When the show was officially over, Justin and I went back to our hotel room and started to get ready for bed. "You know I never expected that." I said, looking up at him. "I know." he said, smiling. "When did you plan that?" I asked. "Just that morning. You had no idea how hard it was to convince Julie." he said, chuckling. "She's a tough nut to crack." I said. Tonight was an exhausting show. The crowd was so energetic and I fed off of that. Eventually sleep caught up with me and I passed out. Before letting sleep completely take over me, I felt Justin's lips touch my cheek before he reached over to turn the light off. "I love you Selena." he said. "I love you too Justin." I mumbled.

{A/N: FINALLY I UPDATED!!! YAYY!! I AM SO SORRY FOR ABANDONING YOU GUYS!! I just needed a break due to Sept and Oct being the most busiest months of my life because of band. But now I'm going to get back on track and I will see you guys in my next chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Byee :)}

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