Chapter 14:

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-Chapter 14- -Selena's POV-

"You ready for the best vacation ever?" Justin asked me as we boarded my private jet to god knows where. "I would. If you told me where we were going!" I said, plopping down in a chair opposite from him. "If I told you, then you wouldn't want to leave LA." "You make it sound scary." I said, opening up my twitter. "Just so you know, my fans are not gonna like what I'm about to tweet." I said, starting to type.

@selenagomez: @justinbieber is about to take me on a mysterious trip. So if you don't hear from me, you know why.

And almost immediately our phones started blowing up.  "Thank you for that. Now everyone is going to think I'm a kidnapper." Justin said. I put my hands up in defense. "Not my fault you're taking me somewhere I don't know. In legal terms, that is technically kidnapping." Justin rolled his eyes.

@justinbieber: I'm not kidnapping @selenagomez. It's just a major surprise. You will hear from her shortly. Love you all. Please don't kill me.

Once he put his phone down he turned it off and then opened his hand towards me. "What?" I asked, clueless. "Give me your phone." He said. "Why?" "Because we are going phone - free during this trip." "What?! Why? My fans and family are going to think I'm dead if I don't check in with them daily." I said. "Babe, you will be fine. I promise you." he said, extending his hand even closer to my phone. Reluctantly, I turned it off and gave it to him. "Thank you." he said. I crossed my arms and looked out the window. Wherever the hell we're going, it's going to be a long trip.

-Justin's POV-

After an hour of silence, I looked over at Selena and noticed she fell asleep. Gosh she looks so pretty sleeping. I'm hoping she will stay asleep until we arrive at our destination so my surprise won't be ruined. To pass up time, I decided to take a nap as well.

- One Hour Later-

I woke up to Selena shaking me. Crap I'm guessing she woke up first. "You are so lucky I have no idea where we are." she said, looking around. I smiled to myself. The pilot then came out of the cockpit. "Okay we stopped to refuel then we will be on our way." he said, then returning to the cockpit. "The reason we're refueling could mean two things. One, this destination is farther than I expected or the plane was really low on fuel from the last trip." Selena said. I chuckled.

"Let's cuddle." I said, patting my lap. She got up from her seat and came over to me. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure." I got the remote from the side seat and turned on Netflix. "Any specific requests?" I asked. Selena took the remote out of my hand and started to scroll. "I'm taking that as yes." She kept scrolling until she stopped at 'Zootopia'. I kind of gave her a look. "Don't give me that look. I wasn't able to go to the premiere and I've always wanted to see it." I just rolled my eyes as she pressed play. Sometimes Selena can be a child but it's cute so it's okay.

When we finally arrived at  our destination, I had Selena be blindfolded which she didn't like, obviously. "Justin, I just want you to know I'm not stupid. I know we're in Hawaii." she said, as I lead her down the steps. "I never said you were stupid." She just sighed as I lead her into the car. "Careful. Don't hit your head." I said, as the driver closed the door behind me. Once we were on our way I took off her blindfold. "Yay I can see again." she said. I smiled. "So much for the surprise." I said, playfully pouting. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Oh baby don't be upset. I love it." She said, giving me a kiss on the cheek, in which I returned.

A few minutes later we got to our hotel and checked in.

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