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Chyna could hear her homegirl voice repeat over and over again in the back of her head. Similar to a faint echo that never changed reverberation. A chill crept up her spine and she felt herself near vomiting but it sat in the back of her throat. Fingers sticking to the linoleum tile, armpits moist and aflame. She could hear the AC turn on, then off. On, then off. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion while her mind whirled 100 miles per hour.

Was Rich cheating on her? Was it really true? All that she has done for him and he wanted to cheat on her? After all the times that she sacrificed it all to be the ride or die and he felt the need, no, the Audactity to disrepect her? She could spit. She could scream. She could throw the dishes across the room and destroy the overly expensive hotel room but she didn't. Instead, she sat against the hotel door and stared ahead. 

She didn't realize how long she had sat there but eventually she moved. Her bones felt like it was near breaking through the seams of her skin and her body felt similar to 50 pound weights cuffed at the edge of her ankles. She dragged her feet towards the bedroom ignoring her pounding headache and throat clenching thirst. She still heard Tanya in the back of her head. 

Are you still with Rich?

He's been seen around with this girl in the club.

Call me back.

Call me back.

Call me back..

Her eyes found her iPhone charger tucked between her luggage and the laptop she brought with her. She dropped her phone down onto the bed and plugged her phone in, slowly undressing for a shower.

Each layer of clothing felt heavier than the last, all dropping to her feet in soft thuds. She spent so many years with Rich and didn't even realize the countless red flags from the way he spoke to her to the way he would suggest her to go fuck on of his homeboys to come up on some cash. Did he really love her like that?

Did he really love her at all?

She stood, arms crossed over her naked breasts and watched the black screen of her iPhone flash the white apple logo. When her screen went to the regular homescreen her hands automatically looked for Rich's number and dialed. Voicemail. She dialed again. Voicemail.




She sent him a message saying only to call her that didn't even confirm to be delivered and it made her unease all the more prominent. 

She turned on her heel for the bathroom and turned on the water. Not even waiting for it to get hot, she stood underneath the chilling water. She began to scrub her yellow-toned skin until it crimsoned. She hoped that if she scrubbed hard enough the touch of Blu's workers would come off of her skin. 

She kept scrubbing and eventually began to bleed. The clear water tinted red. And she continued to scrub.

Her calls were constantly going to voicemail. And her text message went from blue to green.

She kept scrubbing. And scrubbing. And bleeding. And scrubbing.


Quick warm up/filler chapter. Another update is coming! 

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